
Is lorazapam bad to take?

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I take lorazapam for anxiety.i've been on it for a couple of years now.I know its an addictive drug,and i've tryed to stop taking it but i can't sleep without it.Lately i've been wakeing up dizzy and with a headache.And i feel so tired like i'm drugged out of my mind.Would the lorazapam be doing this after taking it all these years or is it something else? is it dangerous to stop taking this drug? I want to see if these feelings go away.




  1. This is a question you should be asking the doctor who prescribed it to you, not here. You might get the wrong advise from people just guessing.

  2. It might be better to wean off of it and get a sleeping pill for night. I stopped Lorazepam for night and use Halcion. some people prefer Ambien or Lunesta, but the point is that Lorazepam and other tranquilizers are not that good for continuing sleep problems.

  3. Hmm ....those symptoms would indicate withdrawal from the drug but you have been taken it for quite some time now. I am assuming you're taking the 2mg dose which is standard...I wouldn't just quit cold turkey because you will have very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Dizziness is a common side effect and headache is considered a less frequent side effect of the drug. See your doctor as soon as possible and inform him/her about these symptoms. Best Wishes:)

  4. Have to becareful with any of the benzo's if you've been taking them for a long time and just suddenly stop. Seizures are a common side effect of this. First talk to your doctor about weaning yourself off the drug slowly and should be better.

  5. If you been taking it this long without any affects, it's shouldn't start causing these problems. Did you increase the dosage? Or did this happen with you tried to stop taking it? If this happened when you stopped taking it, then yes, it could be the cause. After taking it for this long, you could be going through a slight withdrawal. If the symptoms are really bad, go to your doctor of course. You should never just up and stop taking any medications without talking to your doctor anyway.

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