
Is losing a child now a fashionable trend or someting???

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I know I said I would not ask about the McCanns again but this story I just read is shocking

A spokesman for the Irish TV company states that

"They Are Coming"

Are the Mc's really that important to warrant this story???




  1. For the love of the almighty Allah when will this big McLie end?

    And I remember reading somewhere last year that the McCanns holidayed in Ireland the year before Portugal and left their children home alone on that occasion too!!!

    They beggar belief they really do.

    ||Grumps|| My professional license to practice was re-instated after all charges against me were dropped due to lack of evidence. ;)

    Thanks for emailing your big bro. :) x

  2. they are being treated like celebrities because their neglect led to the loss of their child..shameful x

  3. Apparently murdering your child is a lucrative business these days.

  4. The family are loved by the Irish people,who incidentally will show them the compassion that many people have not. The family have gone through enough persecution and i think it should stop.

  5. Is losing a child now a fashionable trend or someting ???

    I know I said I would not ask about the McCanns again but this story I just read is shocking

    Never believe a word Paul C says. OK Paul so what so "shocking" about a trip to Ireland.or Scotland or Iceland Yes the McCanns are important and its people like you who have made them important.

    What the h**l has a "van" got to do with the McCanns.? Have i

    I missed a free parking space ?

  6. When has it ever been any different? but only if you are gullible enough to believe all the spin and lies. I believe there is a very important 'witness' to the case that lives in Ireland too...!

    Edit: great idea Dr Grumps, but oh I forgot they don't do questions...

    Edit: Shambo maybe it was near the witness who recognised Gerry??

  7. Excuse me but where does fashionable trend even enter in to that story?

    The McCanns are of Irish extraction and unlike whatever mob you are from we stick by our own in times of trouble.

    They had their child stolen.Fair enough they were stupid enough to think their rota for watching kids was good enough but they were wrong because a monster took advantage of their stupidity and naivety.

    You found yourself in similar circumstances when a horrible person took advantage of your own stupidity and naivety and yet came on here looking for sympathy.

    People do things which in hindsight they think what on earth was I thinking!They get lulled in to a false sense of security.They become too trusting for their own good.You believed a sob story and fell for it.You didn't bother to check.

    I still feel sorry for you because you were stupid and got taken advantage of just as I feel sorry for the McCanns for being stupid and naive.Maybe it'll eventually dawn on you that they were not wilfully neglectful,just naive and stupid and we're all capable of that occasionally.

  8. fantastic!!!! ship 'em over. I hope I bump into them. I'll be hanging around the RTE studios....I'll even volunteer to babysit the kids in case they feel the need to run over to the pub for a bottle or ten of wine.

    I live up the road from pat kenny. I'll mail him a list of questions he should ask them....mainly the police questions they refused to answer!

    btw, any update on that awful story about the caravan? I hope you are both alright.x

    edit: well at least that's something. still can't believe those people could be so horrible. on the bright side, you can now teach your lovely son all about how to not get :)

    edit: OIY! i thought you gave up your title as doctor Shambo! although, now that I see your avatar, thanks for reminding to mail my brother. totally forgot :).x

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