
Is lost when you can't draw a straight line from someone you love to your hungering heart?

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Is lost when you can't draw a straight line from someone you love to your hungering heart?




  1. Lost is when your hungering heart depends on other limited, fallible humans to fill it instead of turning to the Source that is the only thing that can fill a hungry heart and satisfy it forever.

  2. Ahhhh..... Life is but loss suffered through the years. Sorrow is our fate, our one certain thing in this life we share. Dreams are meant not to be but only struggled to be attained. We will fall short and sorrow in our mead. A bitter cup not to be shared but held close to our starving heart.

  3. Hungering heart may be ego attachment. If you can't let go and love them unconditionally, then you need to work on what you think love is.

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