
Is loud burping in a restaurant bad manners?

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I had a bad experience at a Chinese restaurant awhile back (see my sad story on my 360 blog) because i thought it was polite to burp after the meal in China. Well I guess it ain't OK in Alabama cause it resulted in me getting thrown out and my date drove off without me. Where did I read/hear of this custom?




  1. Yes, and loud farting too!!!

  2. It's only bad manners if you don't call out "compliments to the chef" after your burp... I think

  3. Now that is just about the funniest thing I ever heard.

  4. l think in any restaurant, has to be considered bad manners.........

  5. In the US, it is considered bad manners everywhere.

  6. I believe that is considered acceptable and even admireable and almost expected + great manners to burp hysterically as L O U D as you can like in most desert countries. Plus, American Indians always made an effort to burp really loud and loooooooooooong a$$ burps to let the cook know how much you jes LUVed thar foodins!

    So they may kick you out of a restaurant maybe in India too, if your not burpin' up a storm, as the head chef peers out the kitchen door awaiting to hear wailing burps all across the restaurant.

    He would probably go home in tears at night if he didn't hear atleast one person doing so. They do need some assurance that they have atleast some talent in their cookin' abilities.

    Perhaps you could extend the courtesy of your satisfaction and appreciation by letting out a big gigantic f**t next time?

    Um, but make sure your in like an Indian restaurant and preferably w/an Indian woman so they understand the customs.

    (they may even leave you stranded and split if you doesn't burp-n-f**t)

    It's good etiquette

  7. It's ok in LA (Lower Alabama) & it's actually rude NOT to burp

  8. Hey, ya can't help bodily functions. Burps, farts, scratching where ever.

    It's just as natural as blinking your eyes.  Next thing ya know, people will be thrown out of restaurants for using the rest rooms.

  9. it  depends  where  the  restaurant  is .  if  it  is  located  in  a place  where  burping  is  ok  then  it  is  not  rude.

    in the  western  hemisphere and  i'm  sure  many  parts  of  the  east  it  is  rude.

    it is  forbidden  to  speak  or even make  eye  contact  with  muslim women  in  muslim countries,  but  in  the  west  when  people  get  a  taste of  democratic civilization and  the  universal  expectation  of  manners and  individual freedom  and  respect,  they  become  accustomed  to  it  and  dont  want  to  go  back.

  10. Very uncouth

  11. Dude, burping in public is disgusting, and very rude. Here's my advice to you, go take etiquette classes.

  12. d**n.

    I woulda thought that it would be okay in Alabama of all places.


    Guess i was wrong.

    Whats wrong with burping?

    Just shows you enjoyed the meal.

    Probably just a bunch of uptight yankees in there at the time.:[

  13. YEs of course it is  

  14. Aww. Yes, it is considered bad manners, but it's not like anybody told you so don't feel bad if you weren't aware of the custom.

  15. i've never heard of such nonsense...of course burping is acceptable! not only is it acceptable, it shows manners for a meal well cooked!!! i like to take my appreciation one step farther to show how much i liked the food. i usually take a nice big dump and sometimes even clog up the toilet. it shows i ate so much because it was so good. see, that's what's wrong with america, no one has manners anymore.

  16. It is bad in America.

  17. In all parts of America,it's very bad manners,not just in Alabama.Sorry 'bout that.Just try to hold it in next time unless you want to look sloppy.

    Well,just look at the bright side:Burping loudly in a restaurant isn't as bad as FARTING loudly in a restaurant!

  18. That seems like a pretty extreme reaction to me but in the U.S. it seems like burping at restaurants is generally frowned upon so avoid it if you can in public. This isn't the case in some other countries, mostly Western ones.

  19. It's not polite to burp after a meal in America, which is where you are, so that's the etiquette you should follow.

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