
Is love a myth?... honestly?

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Is love a myth?... honestly?




  1. It is not a myth but an illusion.  

  2. No. I have endless love for my family, friends, and pets. Nothing means more to me then those I love.

  3. No. Love is real. You love your friends your parents, your pets etc.

    If you are speaking about true love, yes it does exist. But it is a rare creature that very few get to truely experience, ecpecially now a days becasue people are so afriad of being them selves and people can't connect in the same way they used to, what with all the noise and the stress and the busyness. Not to mention the technology. Hwever it does still happen and there is always hope.

  4. Even in the myths it is elusive!  Just got to believe even if it is all set against you, somewhere it does exist.

  5. true love? between two people?

    im pretty sure it is.

    alot of married people do not love one another

    they may shar feelings but it isnt endless love :/

    not like fairy tale stuff

  6. Only for sociopaths.

  7. yes. to me it is just a word

  8. Love is not a myth. There are different kinds of Love. If you are asking about Love towards the opposite s*x, then yes it exists. However, true Love is very hard to come my. You can learn to love somebody, their is no questions about that. But real Love, you are fortunate to fall in Love at least one time in your life and have that person return the exact love. Not everyone finds their mate.And not everyone gets to grow old with the person they fall in Love with.  

  9. kinda

  10. maybe it is cus it something that cant be explained or seen with the naked eye but only felt with the heart but to those who have had it touched there life and hearts its real as you and me and yes i do believe as ive been lucky enough to have been blessed with love in my life :-)

  11. You can always buy it, if you feel the need.

  12. nope its just electrical signals from your brain that flow thru ur body

  13. No, Love is within every person. People love their families, friends, neighbors, etc. There are also people that loves their possessions, money, and belongings.

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