
Is love chemically created? I'm confuse!

by Guest31826  |  earlier

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I'm confused. Is love really created by chemicals in our brain? Has this ever been PROVEN? Or is this just a theory? If it has been proven, can you please provide me to a reliable source (which means NO WIKIPEDIA)? I heard some say that the chemical happens as a result of love. I also heard some say that it's LUST, not LOVE, that was created by chemical.

Thank You in advance for answering.




  1. There is a chemical component. Look up pheromones. But that only gives us a start and provides for much of the initial attraction. While it could be argued that it is all chemicals in the brain, I would argue otherwise. Part of love, and probably the best part of it develops over time and through shared goals, experiences and personal standards and values.

    I am going to, tomorrow, skim through my answers and see if I can find one that may shed light on my view that it is not chemicals in the brain. If I can find one, I will include it in an edit. You may then want to scan it rather than skim it.

  2. no, it is created by your own personal feelings

  3. we feel something special (emotions) and it sends signals to the brain and then chemicals are released.

    same with depression. It's not like chemical imbalance that causes depression, it's we are depressed (dissatisfied with our life, upset, etc.) that creates chemical imbalance in our brain. That is why antidepressants dont work, chemical imbalance it's a defense mechanism when we're depressed.

    if love would be chemically created, how whould you explain the situation where different pictures of "attractive" and "unatractive" people are shown to a person and he whould have different immediate impressions/emotions towards the images. If it would be chemically created the peson would like all images shown to him. I don't know if it makes sense to you.

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