
Is love shallow?????

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I've seen people see a person of the opposite s*x and they'd say, "He/she is hot." Later, they would chat and become boyfriend/girlfriend. Is that love? Is that "love at first sight"? I find that to be only attraction to the body, not the soul. What is this?




  1. No, that is lust at first sight and that is shallow.

    We must love because of the inside.

    Jesus does.

    love is so much more than a hott body and a great face.

    it's way deeper than that.

  2. Oh, it can be very shallow! The mind/soul follows the body. If the chemistry is right to bring them together, people will feel love as a very very deep thing, especially once a "soul" connection is made by both people. Even after the beloved dies or after the lover's body loses its lustful functions, the love in the heart/mind/soul can stay powerful.

    So does the chemical spark of love mean love really IS shallow? Or can it still be deep, even though it owes its primary motives to chemistry? I think it can still be very deep. I mean, everything we do and feel has a chemical "trace" ... we're beings of flesh. I totally don't think that fact should be taken to mean that our feelings and choices are empty of meaning.

  3. there is no better feeling than soul love...

  4. thats just physical attraction and lust. you can develope love for eachother, but love isnt thinking someone is "hot." i've never been in love but i imagine thats when you need that person and can't imagine living without them and when your with them, everything just feels..right.

    answer mine please?;...

  5. is shallow when there are ulterior motives...DRUGS...MONEY...

    s*x... of the heart, needs communication, sharing and understanding...

    ...good luck...

  6. No.

    Love is most definitely not shallow and is one of God;s attributes.  God's love is unconditional.

    Where this Godly quality becomes shallow is via the shallow person(s) misuse. They appear to put love through a process of metamorphose so that they can abuse it at will to gratify their physical desires.

    You ask:  What is this?

    In my opinion:  

    Irreverent ignorant stupidity and misuse and they are missing out on the finer subtle spiritual connection, which endures throughout eternity.

    However, I do not think that these people you are referring to are looking for.... say a soul mate....  The are just players out for fun.

    In conclusion:

    Love is so powerful that it became and still is, the basis of Christianity.

  7. That's just attraction.  Sometimes attraction can later become love, but it's not the greatest factor, just a way to single people out.  Love is deeper.

  8. The deepest ocean is shallow at the shore.

  9. love at first sight can be deep but you can also drown in it

  10. Shallow

    The selfish gene
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