
Is love the only enchantment that acts on the passing of time, either contracting it or dilating it?

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Is love the only enchantment that acts on the passing of time, either contracting it or dilating it?




  1. Where love is, there is no time.

  2. No, any other kind of strong emotion (joy, fear, hatred, etc.) will also act on the passing of time. Time can be caused to race or to crawl depending on how our emotions affect us at a particular point in our lives.

  3. In love, time can almost stop.  Nothing else matters.

    Out of love, time seems like a noose around your neck. It can almost take the breath out of you.  

  4. On the contrary, Love is the Ending of Time.

  5. Unfortunately it isn,t. As in yin and yang, the theory of equal balances of life, the only alternative enchantment would be hate. It is sad to say that there are not as many of us who prefer the emotional aspects of love and the enchanting feelings of want and need, as there are of war mongers and people bent on manipulations and falsifications. At one time there was love and peace , but with time comes change, for better and for worse. It is a good question and also unfortunate that more are not aware of an upcoming moral and sacred loss.

  6. NO!

    The pain or misery does that too well.

    Happiness also,  for that matter...contract ie.

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