
Is lower right abdomen pain in early pregnancy harmful.?

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just tell me which side it hurts in early pregnancy : in the lower left or lower right coz i've been experiencing very light lower right abdomen pain (for about 4 days) after implantation bleeding(not so sure if it was implantation or ovulation bleeding) but it happened 11 days before my periods.




  1. different pains happen with different people, you should talk to your doctor about it.

  2. You can hurt anywhere during pregnancy. It could be just cramps or something you ate. If it lasts a long time of if it gets very painful, see a doctor.

  3. Is it constant or only when u move a certain way?

    When I was pregnant with my first child I had pains in my lower abdomen when I would stand up and when I would cough or sneeze. The Dr. said it was normal and your body was adjusting to the change.

  4. not really. That pain that you are mentioning is actually due to the fact that your utereus is growing making room for your baby to grow.

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