
Is luxuriant solutions payment processing for real?

by Guest21217  |  earlier

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Is luxuriant solutions payment processing for real?




  1. If they want YOU to send THEM money, it's a scam.

  2. I also got the $3800 check. So who's to be the one to find out if its true or not.  

  3. Same here to I Got A Check $3,800. I Got IT Today. But I Think It's A Scam Because It All The Way In Canada.

  4. i dont know but i got a check today from them for  3800.00 not sure if its it legit  

  5. I'd like to know too.  I got the same letter and check.  I did sign up for a sweepstakes a while ago, but I don't remember anything about it.  (I never thought I would really win.)


    I checked it out. It's a fraud! I tried to call the number a few times today, from a pay phone, with no answer. Then, I looked up the payment processing company on the Better Business Bureau site, along with another search for the phone number, in a Canada search. Both searches came up with no matches. Then, I happened to be at the bank today and showed them the check to see what they thought. They thought it was a fraud for sure, especially when I told them this check was to pay taxes and fees. Then I called the Bachem company, who's name is on the check. They said it was a fraud and that they have been getting calls all day. Do not try to deposit or cash the check!! The manager at Bank of America said, if you do, and it is a fake check, they will close down your account.

  6. I got the same check in the mail on the 15th for 3800. Do all of your letters say that your the 2nd winner. and has anybody tried calling the number on the letter or tried an email?

  7. I dont have the answer, but I TOO received this check in the same amount.  Funny I wasn't surprise to even come across this it was like those emails I keep getting to send them my personal information for some lump sum another person inherited from his/her relative but HE/SHE CANT CASH IT...Oh Gosh, WHAT NEXT..?? Sadly, these checks look so AUTHENTIC that it just makes you wanna GO CASH IT..Well good luck to these scum bags I hope they ALL GET CAUGHT and throw away the key TOO.

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