
Is maggot farming profitable?

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I've heard that maggot farming can be a very profitable business.

Anyone have information on maggot farming and how profitable it can be?




  1. I would think that it would not be profitable as most of your profit would FLY away.  

    Sorry I could not resist.

  2. Yeah it is, worm farming is better though.

  3. Try this site. Maggot farming seems to be profitable and interesting, but not something would be anxious to get into. I guess I should say, Good Luck and I hope that you are not my neighbor.

  4. The highest and Best Developed Available Technology for the propagation of Larvae (maggots) is from the species known as the Black Solider Fly. This larva is about the size of a grown mans thumb. Eggs are laid by adults in a contained enclosed environment in small cardboard boxes. These boxes are then distributed evenly across wind-rowed manure piles in a controlled building environment. The Larva hatch within 7-10 days and feed on the manure. When the larvae have reached maturity, they instinctively climb to an elevated height to morph to the adult. A simple ramp in the manure pile and a 5 gallon bucket on a nail at the end eliminate all labor necessary for harvest. The pupae are a high source of protein and fat. The crushed skins have been shown to be very rich in amino acids. Some larva are saved for controlled egg production and the cycle continues . Some successful operations have harvested over 2000lbs per day of fats and protein and is easily marketed to fish or chicken producers for feed additives.

  5. i think worm farming may be more profitable

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