
Is make poverty history a scam setup by the likes of oxfam to generate income for themselves?

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Is make poverty history a scam setup by the likes of oxfam to generate income for themselves?




  1. Oxfam International is a confederation of thirteen organizations working in more than 100 countries. In view of that I think is too dificult to dissimulate theirs objectives.

    The Oxfam International’s combined expenditure by region can be found in the most recent Annual Report, which can be found in the Oxfam website.

    All of the Oxfam affiliates have published annual reports on their websites, which include details of expenditure. If you are not able to access the websites, they may be able to post such information to you. If you require more detailed figures about a particular Oxfam affiliate's expenditure, you can make contact them directly through the "Contact us" section of his website.

    If you know any thing wrong at Oxfam, report abuse.

  2. I don't believe Make Poverty History is a scam.

    I believe when responsible people claim it's possible to eradicate poverty, and when some of them are actually doing something about it. I'm also aware many people lost faith in the likes of Oxfam for justified and obvious reasons, such as  too many corruption&bribe affairs, but we have to trust someone. Oxfam seems easy to trust, at least to me.

  3. If you believe that, you are only kidding yourself - or you're paying too much attention to the right-wing fundamentalists in America.

  4. you may say that if u wish, but i do believe they are doing a good job at oxfam. well if you have a good idea that is benefitting a whole lot of people and getting a little benefit out of it yourself, i wouldn't bemaon it for anything in the world.

  5. That would be pretty pathetic. But, no, there are many oversights, and good people who work in non-profits oversee each other with a decent amount of regularity.


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