
Is makeup good on guys?

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Hi im a 14 year old boy and i love makeup, what types sould i wear?




  1. Is this a joke? NO makeup doesnt look good on guys, not even on emo guys. Its definitley weird and a turnoff to girls.

  2. well zac efron wears make up if i was a guy i would only use eyeliner

  3. Um. Eyeliner, but not to much. smudge it and make it look natural. Your welcome to wear foundation too?

  4. eyeliner.

    maybe mascara.

    even blush?

    nothing exagerating though.

    & eye shadow if your comfortable with it.

  5. hey

    its great you know who you are at that age

    i love it :))

    anyways i like eyeliner

    thats abt it

    but only on punk/emo boys...

    are you preppy or what?

  6. The only time I think makeup is hot on a guy is when it's eyeliner on a emo.

  7. none it isnt cool! leave makeup for girls  

  8. are you g*y???

  9. I can't say it's bad, but I would feel very g*y.

  10. Even if you are g*y, makeup isn't cool for guys. I know plenty of g*y guys who wouldn't evem wear it. its wrong.  

  11. Ok people! If he likes makeup thats his choice, it's not an open door for insults! so shut up!

    Ok so, not many guys wear makeup, so keep it SUPER light, the trick is to not look like your wearing any.

    Stay away from lip gloss and eyeshadows, maybe brown eyeliner so it would look natural, concealer no mascara unless it's clear.

    And foundation if you need it.

    Go to this link,

    He's a guy who knows a ton about makeup..

    Hope I helped!


    P.S. Good for you! g*y and Proud, I've seen so many nice men who are g*y try to hide it, so good for you! Never be ashamed of who you are!♥

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