
Is man an endangered species?if yes how?

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i have an project to make on 'man an endangered species' i would be very greatful to anyone who helps me. thank you




  1. Well in a way you could say so. Because many groups of tribal wild people are being lost do to over commercialization and globalization. If it doesn't stop everyone is gonna be the same and what kind of world is that.


  3. There is only one way that we will become endangered. The environmentalist have it all figured out. Save the little frogs they are  more important than we are. If this c**p keeps up we  "WILL" be endangered & the tiny little frogs will rule. Hurrah for them we are potentionally your spinach.

  4. man is not a endangerius species but they dangerius species

  5. There is an observed drop in sperm counts for young men compared to a generation ago. It is never sound to make major extrapolations based on limited readings, but if we continued to  have lower sperm counts for another century at the rate of the past 20 years, we would on average have only 1/4 child per male. As I said, too much extrapolation is not good science. We would switch to polygamy or artificial insemination, something like that. It would probably take 200 to 500 years before we would really have to do anything to reverse this trend.  

    Women seem to be moving to earlier puberty, and earlier menopause, but the rate of change is not yet a significant concern. Perhaps if it progresses too far it could upset our reproductive cycles to the point of extinction.

    Remember that most species that are endangered are failing to reproduce in adequate numbers. So if we would be endangered our risk would come most likely from some threat to our ability to reproduce.

    Now that could happen as a result of a disease.

    Just imagine a disease that spreads as a childhood infection, causing no deaths, little discomfort, but leaves the kids sterile. It could sweep through the whole world population almost unnoticed for many years. If there is a risk of a rapid species demise, this could be it.

  6. I wouldn't say man is currently endangered in terms of numbers, but you could still make a good argument.  Take a look at things like water scarcity in heavily populated areas and the morbidity rates of some diseases in regions that are lacking in medical expertise, especially ones caused by protozoans (oh, those guys are nasty!).

  7. No, but some areas of the world are beginning to decline in population because of falling birth rates. Worst thing ever...

  8. Polar Bears will kill all man kind

  9. Are you kidding me? Theres over 300 million of us just in the U.S. We're freaking overpopulated! No way are we endangered unless someone starts throwing nulcleur bombs left and right!

  10. Man is the least engangered species.  We have excellent adaptability skills.


  11. maybe due to global warming

  12. well on t.v. I saw something about how a species of lizard can reproduce without sperm... so if women ever adapt like that... also, men don't really do anything after fertilization, but I think parenthood will keep men alive.

  13. Modern ways of life need to be changed drastically. Our reliance on oils is going to have to stop. If man can humbly step back from the wasteful expense of space travel and such, we could find new sources of energy. As it stands now we are on the brink of a World War fueled by a drive for energy/resources.

    We need to look at how the Native Americans survived. If we adapt with ideas to this kind of living we might survive. Otherwise it is unlikely.

  14. you will know this thing when no babies will be delivered.....

  15. i think we'll blow up or a virus will take us out. people are getting crazy out there now days.

  16. We are not even close to being an endangered species. There are at least 6 billion people on this planet, pretty much consuming all the resources they can handle. None of these humans have any sort of problem with procreation.

    I'm sure there are certain species of insects which are more populous, but there is absolutely no chance that our species will go extinct within the next 500 years.

    There is a chance that there could be some sort of significant catasrophy on any given year, but I believe that even given a serious, 99% mass-extinction event, the only species to survive would be bacteria, cockroaches, and humans.

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