
Is man really created to be of service to others?

by Guest11042  |  earlier

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or are they just pulling our leg?




  1. NO.  Man was created to serve God.  

  2. It depends on what you believe in. People nowadays tend to be narcissist and worry about nothing but their own.

    If you are a Christian and has the ministry of charity, then for that case this statement is something you need to live with.

    There are 2 Legs of Christianity :

    LEFT LEG : Acts 20:35 --- In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

    RIGHT LEG : LUKE 6:31 --- Do to others as you would have them do to you.

    Hope this helps.  

  3. Basically, service gives meaning to our existence.

    What good is an arm if it doesnt have anyone to hug?

    Were all a part of a chain, pulling and pushing to hold "humanity" together....

  4. YES, service to others is the same as serving God.

    When you give to the poor, you are servicing God.

    When you feed the hungry, you are serving God.

    When you visit the sick, you are serving God.

    Jesus said, when you give to the poor, you are giving to him.

    when you feed the hungry, you are feeding him.

    When you visit the sick, you are visiting him.

    We are all being tested by God in the way we love people.

    I believe we're racially divided to measure how we sincerely demonstrate the love of Christ through our love for people from all walks of life.

    Jesus did not come to be served but to serve others and give his life as a ransom for many.

  5. The short answer is "yes".  This doesn't mean that people are to be door mats.  It means that we are to look to the interests of others prior to taking care of our needs.  There are contraindications to this as well - sometimes to meet the needs of others, we must first take care of ourselves.  We are to seek to serve and not to be served.  Follow the golden rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  To gain an even deeper understanding, spend much more time studying the Holy Bible.

  6. oh god they're very biblical..

    man was created to form a bigger web of humanity..

    to be of service is definitely a part of it..

  7. we are created for a mission...

  8. I agree with Iron_Man

  9. That would depend on what you believe in.

    Men are here to help one another. Every day we go to work we are of "service" to some one- we are of  "service " in every thing which we do in our daily lives. Hope that helps you some.

  10. read the bible.

  11. i don't know, but the pulling our leg thing reminded me of the jokers shark in batman 1966

  12. Service to others is service to God. Yes, we are created for the purpose of glorifying God, and anything that we do which God looks favorably upon is a service to Him.  

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