
Is man really evolved or is he just an animal with a big brain for big toys?

by Guest59702  |  earlier

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I am not debunking evolution but referring to human nature.




  1. The "Goo-to-You" theory of the evolutionists is as 'far-fetched' as the "God Made Us" erroneous explanation of the creationists.  Neither can produce evidence that unequivocally proves they are correct.  In fact what evidence is available only proves that neither have a hope in h***s' chance of being anywhere near the true explanation of our origin.

    A complete 're-assessment' of ALL the evidence available so far and a massive 're-think' in all fields of human history and existence, is desperately required, to get us out of this 'blind leading the blind' quagmire of inappropriate and ill-fitting theories and mountains of ambiguous, confusing misinformation.

  2. We are the only specie that believes in and worships our creator. Every snake, skunk, orangutan,and communist have nothing to do with God.

  3. well i wish we all know what we are and how god apreticated s by first making all angels kneel to our father adam but alass no mydear man is not animal he is a creation of god he was created as man read bible or quarn and dont go after pointless theories who was put by men lived in dark ages who did everything to show that they dont need god and how superior they are

    even darwin was and his theories was proven to be all bullshit

    dont think i am religious fanatic but i am just telling you my opinion

  4. You are thinking of evolution in the wrong manner. Evolution is neither progressive, or directional. Humans are evolved animals; nothing more and nothing less.

  5. king kong is not my grandpa im sorry

    and no we are not evolved

    if you have more questions related to this then email me

  6. We're not all that smart, but we only have to be smarter than all the other animals, in order to have the security that we know where our next meal is coming from, and that we know we won't be the next meal for another animal...

    The cows, sheep and pigs we keep penned up, never know when will be their last day here on earth..

    Stephen Hawking wrote, "Humans are just an advanced breed of monkey, on a minor planet, of a very average star. But we can understand the universe, and that is what makes us something very, very, special"...

  7. i donno ask yo mama

  8. Humans evolved from something.

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