
Is mankind really at the level of evolution to be answering the big issues of today?

by Guest58174  |  earlier

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Or are they just believing they are at this level, and living in star trek land?




  1. well someone has to try. if we didn't then anything not currently understood would be considered as "unknowable" and knowledge would never move forward. even if we are wrong about a lot of things, it gives other people ideas to pursue later on and helps people think about the question in different ways.

  2. Well as I believe evolution is a crock and we are no different than our forefathers I say we are not at a point we can be trusted with the big issues and it is a miracle that we are alive today with all the nuclear arms available today.

  3. looking at the people who sell the big issue... i think anyone is qualified to answer

  4. humans think they can take advantage of every kind of life not like them  

    this is why people eat meat and claim to be carnivores even though they are incapable of attacking an animal and eating them raw ( or they would get a disease)

    this is why people wear fur and leather

    this is why people think zoos are okay

    this is why people don't care about the environment

    atleast most humans ( i don't exploit animals and i hope to improve the earth )

  5. Never under estimate collective wisdom of humanity.History tells us that sooner than later,humans have always found ways to deal with most of the situations confronted by them including unforeseen disasters.Star trek?who created it?

  6. no, we're a bunch of shallow sheep. baa

  7. What else might you suggest?

  8. We are on the verge of answering some of the universes' biggest questions.  Any answer will fortunately create more difficult questions. However, too many refuse to say or accept "I don't know" & tend to conclude lack of conclusive evidence equals God did it.  

    If none of us knew what 1+1 equaled, some leader would tell us that 1+1 = God.  Because noone could prove this to be untrue, it would be accepted; any evidence to the contrary would be ridiculed.  If a brighter human were to hold up 2 fingers to prove 1+1 = 2, then he would have to prove what 2+2 equaled & resolve this to infinity... failing to do so would invalidate 1+1=2 & everyone would know 1+1=God. Therefore, "I don't know" means God did it.

  9. hi,no,we are not.we cant answer but if we know the answer the big question still is:how we can apply the answer to the society,it is very hard!!

  10. If they're not now when will they ever be ready?!! There's not much hope for the future either, is there?! As for evolution - this is still a theory....!

  11. dotn you mock star trek im taking you tio the captain :)

  12. Let's not confuse evolution with any ideological notions of progress.  However, if I take "evolution" in your question to mean progress, I would have to answer as follows:

    The very reason why these are big issues is because we are not prepared to deal with them.

  13. Good question. Either way we have to try, don't we?

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