
Is marajuana legal in the dominican republic?

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Is marajuana legal in the dominican republic?




  1. U ask for "mamajuana" or "marihuana"?haha i hink marihuana is not, but idk about mamajuana...

  2. Marijuana (Cannibis) is NOT LEGAL like most places in the world.

    MamaJuana a special dominican drink it is LEGAL.

  3. Absolutely not.  They have a zero tolerance policy.  Got o jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go and plan on staying there for who knows how long?

  4. Weed is illegal in the DR. If you get caught with just a little blunt they won't just give you a ticket like in some state in the US. You would probably get arrested and have to pay a fine at the station or else go to jail for a couple of weeks. DR doesn't play when it comes  to drugs so they are even tougher. Especially because a lot of the drugs that come from Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc has to cross the DR and come through Miami. The DNCD - Direccion Nacional de Control de Drogas , DEA and the US coast guard work together to try to contain the illegal drug trade in the Caribbean.

  5. Marijuana is not legal in the Dominican republic, Mamajuana (which is an aphrodisiac drink made with rum and herbs) is legal. Hope this helps!

  6. Marijuana is not legal and cost minimum 30 years (jail)

    Mamajuana is a special Dominican drink made with herbs, wood extracts rum and honey, very good after 3 months fermentation. So you can get drunk but not high!

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