
Is marijuana still detectible...?

by  |  earlier

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i have a physical in like two and half hours, and i know they do the pee test. the last time i had tried marijuana was four and half weeks ago or something like that, and when i did i didnt have alot at all, two hits maybe. but i am just a little paranoid that it will show up, so is there anything i can do, eat, or drink to kind of give me a good chance of it not showing up?

only serious comments please and no negative comments yeah yeah yeah whatever i know i shouldnt have.




  1. "The most common period of time for marijuana to leave the body is anywhere from 3-30 days, depending on your metabolism and the amount of marijuana that you’ve smoked. This is unfortunate, since it means that while most drug tests can only turn up evidence of other drugs if you’ve been taking the drug within a few days of the drug test, marijuana could still be detected in a urine test up to a month after the last time it is used."

    Given that info and the fact that you are worried, I would get several jugs of Power-Aide or GaterAide and drink them. Drinking a lot of water (at least a gallon) will help to. The more fluids that you can get in you and out of you in the next few hours the more you will flush out your system. A flushed system keeps more drugs from showing up in a drug test. When you flush your urine gets clear which can be a red flag, to get pass this when you get what ever you are going to drink pick up some vitamin B2. It turns urine yellow.

    If they do question you about using, say you ate three poppy seed muffins for breakfast. . .simple test can not tell the difference between the two.  

    Good Luck!

    P.S. I just came across this to help ease your mind

    labs that follow the guidelines consider drug testing to be negative if detection is below either cutoff level. In the case of urine analysis, drug testing cutoff levels are measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml). For example, an initial screening for marijuana must show at least 50 ng/ml, and then confirmatory tests must prove at least 15 ng/ml. If the initial screening doesn't show at least at least 50 ng/ml, then it's considered to be negative and the confirmatory tests aren't performed.

    What it means in simple terms, flush your system out and the drug will be out of your system.

  2. well you should have been drinking plenty of glasses of water to clean your system. but i seriously dont think it will show up at all. 4 weeks is long enough, its not like you were doing it every day. i smoked a whole blunt like three weeks before my physical and nothing showed up....

  3. if your not a chronic smoker then 4 1/2 wks is plenty of time to get it our of your system.  Drink lots of water though.  They do have detox drinks like zydot and i forget the name of the other one but you drink that and lots of water and it will be undetectable.  But, like i said if you dont smoke that often and its been over a month you should be just fine.  Also just so you know they also sell synthetic urine, i think the website its or something like that and you can just pour the synttheic urine in the specimen cup instead of actually peeing into it.  During physicals and drug tests for employment they do not stand in there with you while you pee so nobody will even know.  They have that not only to cover up drugs but also for people who are pregnant or diabetic and dont want employers to find out. good luck

  4. You're good.

  5. Most likely you will be fine as long as it has been at least 30 days since you smoked. 21/2 hours isn't enough time to do anything about it.

  6. well u should drink sum tea..... caz that really helps getting it out of ur system, but since u only did like 2 hits, and like 4 weeks ago, i really don't see y it should still be in ur system. i am a pot head, and i have had my share of physicals,  nuthing was detected... caz i stoped before the test and drank ALOT of tea. and LOTS of water.  

    hope that helps...

  7. lol my friend it is still detectable through urinalysis and hair"doctors dont do that much anymore" but dont worry too much! Just go down to a local pharmacy and pick up some niacin, its like 3 dollars,  and pop a couple of thoes..that stuff will make your skin crawl for a bit but its worth not getting caught!


  8. Yes there is a chance to make your chances point your way is to Drink a glass of half water half vinegar then a full glass of water right after. It dosent sound to great but it help me when i did it the day before my U.A. or if you think you can't handle the vinegar drink a glass of pickle juice. That worked for a buddy of mine.

    (I smokes the day before my U.A. and it worked)

  9. it's all up to chance.  what most people dont know is that drugs of any kind can be present in your body up to 6 months after you take them (i learned that in health class).  and no, there is nothing you can do to flush it out of your system, it's up to your body to naturally do it on its own.  You shouldn't have taken any hits buddy, drugs are no good

  10. You will probably be fine, but you could try drinking lots of water and going for a run.



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