
Is marital rape a crime ?

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i know i have already asked this question and i have recieved some angry replies. Lemme clarify a few things:

1. The husband loves his wife deeply, so he doesnt want to get divorced.

2. The wife is not having s*x with her husband to blackmail him or coax him into giving in to her demands.

3. The husband has waited for weeks and now he finding it difficult to control his natural urge. He doesnt want to visit prostitutes or have an extra marital affair as it is against his moral values.

4. Even if he were to get divorced, the prospects of him finding another partner is very less. He might lose the custody of his children.

So now tell me...Is marital rape still a crime? The man is indulging in marital rape only to keep the family together.




  1. It is a very complex situation and correct answer cannot be given unless the complete circumstances are known. However, rape under any circumstance is a crime and you can be tried for it in a court of law in case your wife decides to file such a case. The judge will then need to have all circumstances before arriving at a decision.

  2. definitely it is a crime. because husband's to made s*x with wife. but she doesn't have any desire to do s*x.  

  3. i gotta say im a little old fashion in my thinking and it may not be politically correct to think this way but the husband is supposed to be the provider and protector of the family and when the husband attacks his wife and rapes her because he cant go without for awhile then he is no longer protecting his family he is the attacker and no longer has a right to his wife or children and should be shunned by society for behaving like a spoiled 5 yr old and not a man  

  4. you love your wife, yet you rape her

    you were just slave to your 'natural urges'. Don't tarnish me with that BS.

    Here's the skinny champ ... you raped your wife pure and simple. If she doesn't have you charged, your lucky. Bad news though ... the rape will count against you in the custody hearing.

    Rape for you is not about love and not getting a divorce; its all about control. Get some help before you do more damage

  5. some clarification for you.

    You list 4 points here.. 3 of them focus only on what the husband wants/ thinks/ needs.  The last point reinforces one thing, that the wife is not consenting to have s*x.

    Please stop with your personal arguments.

    IF your wife determines that you have used force against her for the purpose of s*x, she has the legal right to report it, and have it prosecuted as rape.  In terms of s*x, between husband and wife.. the law RECOGNIZES that the wife has the right to refuse, and if that right is violated.. it is a crime.  

  6. the answer is here :

    and if you don't find, you can try this :

  7. if you rape your wife it is still a crime, although it may b e hard to prove. BUT and here is the important part. you will not keep your wife this way, you will probably go to jail because she will have proof somewhere or someway of her wanting a divorce. then your wife, kids and life are all gone.

    i would suggest fixing your urges on your own time with yourself.

    many states have a no faukt divorce and if she files you couldnt prevent the divorce.

  8. You really need your head sorting out, see a doctor.... I couldn't believe what I was reading you need locking up!

  9. My heart goes out to you.

    I was in the same situation - and learned a few things.....

    Firstly, everyone is an "expert"and I got so much useless information and "advice" the whole experience was made much worse,

    and secondly, there's a great free Child Custody Library website at which really helped me - and I got everything easily and sim[ply sorted out with their help.

    Doe sthis help please?

    My very best wishes and apologies for any typing errors - my eyesight is none too good, sadly.


  10. I say it's a crime unless she orgasms.  

    Just kidding.  Obviously the law treats it as a crime.  So the real question is "should it be criminal?"  The answer to that question, is yes.  He should choose divorce before rape.  It is never o.k. to physically or sexually assault a woman, or anybody for that matter.

  11. RAPE IS RAPE, I don't care what the "circumstances" are!

    He and his wife need counseling to try and work out their issues, not forced s*x.

    I'd question just how strong those "moral values" of his are too...he won't find someone else to takes care of his needs, but feels that it's okay to go ahead and rape his wife?  I'd be careful, if the wife decides to cry rape and doesn't want to go to court, well, he's got to sleep sometime!

    Keeping a marriage together for the sake of the children isn't right, they pay more in the long run than the adults do because of the emotional toll it will all take.

    Get help.

  12. Sorry but that doesn't make any sense to me whats so ever how can he keep his family together by raping his wife that's just ridiculous. now if your american or from another country I don't know your laws but here yes it is a crime whether your married or not.

  13. Sorry mate. Rape is rape. If your wife is no longer interested in a sexual relationship with you, I think it would be better for both of you if you find somewhere else for s*x. Whether it is a friend or paid s*x, it doesn't matter.

    If she has made it clear to you she doesn't want s*x, but is otherwise happy, do what you have to do. Not rape, this will make her hate you.

  14. The answer is in your question - rape!!!

    Rape is an crime regardless if you are married to the victim - if one spouse takes the other spouse by force it is rape!!  

    And indulging in marital rape only to keep the family together - what is that?  He does not love his wife deeply if he has to rape her.  As for moral values?  Does he even know what moral values are?

    Tell your friend that marital rape is a crime. I'm sure he can take care of his needs by himself the next time he has an urge!!

  15. i didnt even bother to read your circumstances, any rape whether in marriage or not, for so called 'good' reasons or not rape is always a crime

  16. Marital rape never used to be a crime. It is only recently that it has become one because s*x without consent is wrong in any situation. He is guilty no matter what the circumstances are; these will only lessen his sentence not his conviction.

  17. Yes, marital rape is a crime. Although you sound like most woman, and will probably not report it. Prosecution for this crime is incredibly rare in most countries.

    So, I'd say it's up to you. If he truly loved you I don't think he would do that.. I really don't. It's a form of attack and no husband should want to treat his wife in such a derogatory way.

    But you seem to be defending his actions, which is fair enough because you do love him (I assume?)

    I also think using keeping the excuse 'keeping the family together' is a really bad one considering the way this husband has behaved towards you, as I don't think there is any excuse for rape. At all.

    Like I said, it's up to you but I personally would prosecute. You're children would understand if you are honest with them and your husband needs to realise there is more to marriage than sexual intercourse.

  18. 1. The husband loves his wife deeply, so he doesnt want to get divorced.

    Horse SH*T.. Loves her but has not problem raping her...

    2. The wife is not having s*x with her husband to blackmail him or coax him into giving in to her demands

    Then maybe he needs to give in and do as she ask first...

    3. The husband has waited for weeks and now he finding it difficult to control his natural urge. He doesnt want to visit prostitutes or have an extra marital affair as it is against his moral values.

    Does not want to go against HIS moral values.. So raping someone is moral..?

    4. Even if he were to get divorced, the prospects of him finding another partner is very less. He might lose the custody of his children.

    If he rapes his wife I hope he loses his children and lives along forever.

    So now tell me...Is marital rape still a crime? The man is indulging in marital rape only to keep the family together.

    indulging........??? this is not like he is having a drink after work.. IT IS A CRIME!!!

  19. Yes, still it is crime, and one thing u please mind, with out the support of a female, you cannot feel s*x.  If your spouse did not support you, please take her to physotherapist and councel her.

    Without the cooperation of your spouse, if you rape her its crime.

    Don't be fulish

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