
Is marriage a necessary evil in life?

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Is this something everybody must endure through life's journey?

What is marriage supposed to teach you?

What have you learned from this trial so far?




  1. I don't think marriage is for everyone.

    What is marriage suppose to teach you? Don't know. Is it? -suppose to teach you something?

    I got married at 19. So I have been married for 5 years. I see it as just a piece of paper. With or without it, really your just enjoying someone else's company.  

  2. Well obviously not everyone has to endure marriage--Everyone makes the choice as to whether or not they want to be married.

    I don't think marriage is supposed to teach you anything. People don't usually get married because they want to learn something.  They get married because they are in love and because they want to share their life with someone.

    I think what you learn most from marriage is how to put someone else before yourself or anyone else. When you are married, you learn not to be selfish.  

  3. In some places people are raised to get married and procreate.  If feel it is a bunch of bull c**p. If you don't love any one but yourself you need to stay single. If you are the greedy/selfish type stay single.  If you like to be alone and don't want anyone to cut into your YOU time stay single.  Other than that it is a c**p game and you never know if you going to win or lose.  

  4. So what did your ex wife do to you, to make you dislike the opposite s*x sooooo much?.

  5. If a woman has a college education and a good paying career then getting married isn't necessary, but rather a choice, someone to share her life with. Let's face it, in most marriages the woman does most or all of the housework, laundry, cooking, caring for and raising the children. If she's single, she has less housework, less laundry, can cook what she wants, and will still take care of the children. So who really benefits in a marriage? The working woman with a good career who can go to a sperm bank when she wants to have children and who can do it all or the man who wants a wife who can and will do it all and will give him children and take care of them for him?

    Hey, you asked the question, can you handle the truth? : )

  6. Well, after 52 years I think it's great, However! If your not prepared to put everything into a marriage to make it work (And I'm saying this to both partner's!) then you come out of it a very bitter person, as obviously you have!

  7. I don't think marriage is necessary or evil.

  8. No, entirely unnecessary and wow, someone is BITTER...

  9. Marriage is a societal's just expected from society.  If someone doesn't get married, automatically something is wrong with them.  Usually people think they're g*y.  I don't want to get married...I would rather do other things with my life.

  10. If you dont wanna marry .. dont. It is in no way a necessity.

    If you think it's evil ... then maybe you shouldn't marry. Why not just be happy with someone for the rest of your life....or.....maybe not stick with a relationship and be happy with many people for the rest of your life.

    Marriage isn't like food or water, it isn't needed.

    It doesn't make love better.

  11. Marriage is what you make it. Obviously, some choose to have it evil.

    Marriage teaches different people different things.

    From being married, I have learned what real love is.  EDIT: I meant real love between a man and woman.  Yes, my parents did teach me that by being happily married for 45 years. I think it's more beautiful to experience that kind of love for myself though.  

    It is not necessary to marry.

  12. marriage is about finding your love and letting it fulfill your life. I'm still waiting on my baby to come back from iraq, and we both are looking forward to our marriage.

    my fiance and i have lived together for a year, and i find it great to always have someone keep you warm at night and greet you with a sweet kiss in the morning.

    marriage is about being united with your love. its when the intimacy fills the gaps of emptiness and loneliness.

    its about watching your babies grow up together.

    its about love.

  13. marriage is the guarantee to someone that you will spend the rest of your life with them.  There is nothing greater than giving someone your own life.  It is the testament that you love this person more than imaginable.  It's separating us from animals which would never give such a gift.  It is the promise to future generations that they will grow up with two loving parents with combined income that will care for the child.

  14. LOL

    necessary evil in life


    good one there

    no it is not necessary

    nor is it evil

    you make what you want of it, it by of itself is neither good nor bad, it is simple there, people are always the weakest link in marriage, always have, always will be.

    from a legal standpoint, you could always argue that marriage makes poor financial sense, that if always favors the women in the even of dissolution of the marriage, the the divorce laws are not fair and equitable to men.

  15. Marriage isn't necessary in any way. Don't do it if you don't want to, it's that simple.  

  16. Based on your past questions you are bitter twards women.

    you have even opened new accounts to be bitter under a new name.

    I used to feel sorry for you,

    But , I am back to believing your a mousy little looser with a worn out blow up doll and nobody to talk to.

    Straiten up, you ll never be happy or have a live woman with your attitude.

    Marriage is great if you put into it. But then again I married a "live " woman and not a manikin

  17. I love being married, I don't think it is evil at all. Some people get married some try and some never do, either way.

    I don't think it is for everyone..

    Can I ask you a question? I see you on this category all the time, but you have such a horrible cynical attitude toward marriage, why do browse this category, not that you shouldn't, I just don't see the point in putting yourself through it.

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