
Is marriage worth it?

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I see tons of people on here having problems that seem stressful lol

If you live alone you dont have these problems like worrying about cheating or arguments and ambitions and stiff like that lol

10 points for best answer!

Sleep is for the weak hearted lol




  1. You're absolutely right.  Living alone totally eliminates any of the issues you listed and more.  However, everyone who is married does not necessarily have these issues.  There is stress sometimes, but if you're married to a good partner, the stress is shared and the load is not so heavy.  I stayed single for a long time before marrying.  The few times we have had to work through our differences is still more preferable to me than being single again.  I must disagree with you on the cheating happening at least once.  This is not necessarily so with everyone.  There is something to be said for mature, truly committed couples who took their vows seriously.  I agree with you on not wanting to be yelled at or cheated on.  I have never in over 13 years of marriage yelled at my husband, nor he at me, and certainly haven't cheated on him.  I would be forfeiting happiness with the one man who knows me so well that I often don't even have to speak for him to know what I need.  We have supported and assisted each other over the years to step out of our comfort zones and pursue new careers.  I am aware not every marriage is so blessed.  If I were given the choice between being single, with no responsibilities other than my own, and coming home each day to my husband and dealing with whatever may come up, I have to choose my husband.  I know he will be there for me and I for him at the end of the day to wrap his arms around me and tell me he loves me before peaceful sleep envelopes him.  I always spend moments with him until he goes to sleep and then if I'm not sleepy, I come to my computer to see what issues others in the world are dealing with.  Tons of people are having problems, but the world is also full of people who are happy together and respect the sanctity of marriage.  To end this, I have to say I totally like your mask!

  2. Yes. My Betty keeps me well fed, she bakes everything herself and she knows how to keep me happy!

  3. no its not don't ever do it, you ll regret it..

    trust me I wont especially having kids they are so annoying ..

    hey Snizz hubby is hot i seen him wow..hotter than you

  4. No it's not. After 3 divorces I'm very happy living single.

  5. I am married and it has been very worth it!  I think if you find the right person, marriage is not too hard.  My husband and I are best friends.  We have been together ever since the day we met.  I would NEVER cheat on him...not all women cheat.  If both people in the marriage WANT to be married to each other, then marriage is worth it. Both people need to have shared "life" goals and values for their lifestyle. You both must support the dreams of the other person and love the person unconditionally.  If one person is not 100% sure about the marriage, then there will be problems.  With that, my marriage to my husband has been one of the best things I have EVER done.  6 yrs....he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I hope you find someone who makes you as happy.

  6. In theory, I think marriage can be worth it.  However, I don't often see it work out for people.  My parents and most other couples I know have either divorced, or are miserable together.

    I'm not entirely certain that we, as humans, were meant to be monogamous.  It seems that infidelity often creeps into relationships.  If not infidelity, then trust issues or other disagreements often taint relationships.  

    Even assuming that two people are really compatible, having a good relationship is difficult.  A worthwhile relationship takes so much commitment, communication, and work...I just think that most people in our culture aren't willing to put forth the effort required for a successful relationship.  But hey -- if you are, good for you.

  7. If you marry the right person it is.

  8. I am married to the most sexiest, hottest, funniest man on the planet!!!

    he and I have everything in common.

    We share our taste in music, we like the same food, we both love me, we both love s*x!!! And we have a lot of it!!!

    We also fight a lot, because we're so d**n alike. But you know what, I'm never going to leave him, because for the last 2 weeks I've been home alone because he's been in training, and I miss him so much, I'd rather fight with him than not!!!

    So yeah, it's worth it. He's worth it. And I'm glad he's been gone. Because I never realized how much I'd miss him!!

    thank you LuLu...I'm proud when other women find him hot!!!

    It's a compliment to me!!! Because I know he could have other women but he picked me!!!

  9. of course it is worth it because it is a sacred thing & it is an everlasting commitment, when you got married you vowed to love another till your death so it is worth it especially if you married the one you truly love

  10. It beats being alone...especially when you get older...that must be terrible having no family.

  11. I married once ITS WONDERFUL. I will do it again when i meet my Prince charming.

    Marriage is not for sale!

  12. No its not.  You sell your freedom and then get old.  Then you get freedom again when the other half dies.

    But then you're way too old to do anything with that freedom.

    So whats the point?

  13. Is marriage worth it?

    Yes, with the right person.

    Take your time and find someone who compliments you.  Don't rush into it.  

    Some people marry the wrong person, that's when you have problems. Marriage to a person who is respectful, kind, patient, etc can be wonderful.  Marriage to someone who has issues (alcohol, drugs, abuse, etc) can be a night mare.

  14. it's worth it..

    coz marrying someone you really love makes you feel complete..

    there are some problems that will test how much you love the person.. & it's all for you if you give up or fight for it..

    they say " no man in Island " meaning - you can't live alone w/o the presence of someone...

  15. I'm divorced, but I say "yes." When it works, marriage is fantastic. You have somebody who cares about you for the rest of your life. Two people can build a family. You have somebody to make you coffee on Sunday mornings, or give you a back rub when you've had a crummy day. You have private jokes nobody else understands. After a while, you have shared memories. And you don't sound like a guy who forgets about the Best Friend with Benefits part. Actually, she may not share enough of your interests to be your best friend, but she thinks the same things are important, and that can be just as good.

    Living alone is overrated. When you lock your keys in the car, who rescues you?  

  16. In this cruel and stress society, sometimes we ought to face such problems.  Well, Marriage, is how you going to handle it... To have a successful and everlasting marriage, I always believe husband and wife must have mutual trust, communications, sincerity etc.... most importantly, LOVE and FEELINGS, must be strong. Without all these, then will become failure marriage... Wife too, must be tolerance.... :) It will solve all problems...

    Good LUCK to you.

  17. i like it. but its not for the weak harted. you get all the sleep you need when your dead.

  18. Absolutely worth it. Most ppl who couldn't be happier than they are now are in marriages and those type of ppl don't usually hang out answering these kinds of questions or asking them. This forum is obviously a way to get free advise, opinions and suggestions. It's a good a outlet bc there's a place to ask a question that they couldn't someone else. But ppl abuse t*t too so what can you do. I think ppl need to take more time to get to know a person before making that big committment. Always live with the person you want to marry, you will know then if you can "yes, I love that man of mine"... i mean, "yes, I do!".

  19. marriage is worth it, IF you and your other half agree to make it work.  marriage is a shared responsiblity.  
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