
Is married life better than the single life?

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i'm single 22, I know many of my friends who are also very young like me and are all married they all say that their life got a lot better after question is, is this true generally speaking or could it also be the fact that they were married by the time they were 20 and realistically what type of lifestyle can a 17 year old really have besides attending school or working a side job?




  1. SELF ABSORBED people cannot ever make good partners, period end of story.  Relationships take two to make them work, but one selfish person can totally ruin everything. I strongly recommend you remain single.  There is no difference between a self absorbed person and a selfish person - they are one in the same.  

  2. i think your view of single life is the way to go.  Youll find most of those people in the next 5 years will start saying, did i marry too young? i feel like i missing out, he/she changed or hasnt grown up etc etc.

    stay smart on you current path and let no one deter you

  3. Every body is different and marriage definitely isn't for everyone. At 22 you have to beleive that the time will come when you meet someone and you know you want to spend the rest of your life with them. But until that happens, don't let your friends and their situations discourage your own. At 22 you should be doing whatever makes you happy whether it's work, school or whatever. You will meet someone when you least expect it and things will fall into place. Having someone to share your life with is amazing, but you will be able to appreciate it more when you've had the chance to live your life with no boundaries but your own.  

  4. Married life can suck if your with the wrong person. Personally I was stupid and afraid and let the best woman in the world go to get on with being single. I didn't know I was rebounding until I woke up with a pregnant girlfried. Things went chaotic we agreed to an abortion at that point and out of guilt I married her. I didn't know zilch about her before we got married I was on confuse control. Almost a month after the wedding I found out all this bad stuff from her past "arrests, etc." I am a catholic and my religious beliefs and brain washing has prevented me from divorcing this women. Bottom Line don't marry someone you know nothing about. Do Marry for Love!

  5. What do you think when you get married, that you marry the word "married life"?   Do you really need to ask if married life better than a single life?  WELL IT IS IF YOUR IN LOVE WITH THE PERSON YOU ARE MARRYING!

    So let's act mature and use a little common sense here.  

    If you marry someone that you don't love, your single life will be better than a married life.

    If you married someone that you do love, your married life will be better than your single life.

    Did you figure that out yet?

  6. If everyones life got better after marriage I don't think we would have a 60% divorce rate. I do agree people get married to young and when they do they just don't have enough to compare it to so they think they are happier. I am a believer of monogamous relationships. There is something to be said for being able to turn to your partner when you are 60 years old and say "remember when?" When you go threw life with multiple partners there are to many memories you can not share, and you have to constantly stop and think "is this the one that did that with me?"

  7. What I've learned so far is if you can be sure of your self, you can be sure of your relationship/s with people.

    If you think about it...relationships fail also because either party haven't figured out life on their own or don't even know who they really are individually.

    People have different opinions about marriage. Some love it, some don't...really depends...but I feel largely on what I just discussed earlier.

  8. If you are focused on a career...don't get married. Marriage typically means creating a family (having kids) could not let yourself have kids could you? That would destroy your career. Best for you is to play the field and stay in the dating game...this family stuff is overrated anyway. Besides your marriage is 50% doomed before it starts. If you are career minded, then you are likely to be in the 50% of the divorce side as opposed to the non...Its not your fault. Society has drilled this into females since the late sixties (when divorce rates started to take off)...'cause women were brainwashed to be career oriented as opposed to family oriented. Take must be confusing being a girl in this day and age...your maternal instincts are being undermined by society brain job.

  9. How your married life will be depends heavily on how your single life is. No one should ever get married to "improve" their lives. You should bring one, complete and happy individual to the table just like your future husband should. Happy people make happy marriages.

    I met my husband when I was 17 and we dated for about four years and then got married at 21. Because we were already happy and goal-oriented people before hand with hopes and dreams, we didn't need to rely on each other to fill a hole to our meaning of life. That's not to say we don't adore each other, but rather that the two of us work together to help each other achieve our individual dreams and goals.

    My life has been wonderful since I've been married, but every bit as much work as single life. Everything is a trade off.

    If you love your independence and don't feel ready to tie yourself down and take another person into account, then marriage isn't for you yet.  

  10. That depends on you.  If you are totally dependent and draw all of your self worth from what somebody thinks of you, then you had better marry someone that puts you on a pedestal.  If you have great self worth and are highly motivated individual, then you should be better equipped to navigate through life with a certainty about what your goals are and how to achieve them.  A relationship will only be a great advantage when that is what you aspire to.  If you want a relationship and a career, then focus on the career seriously and the relationship casually.  Decide now who you are, who you want to become and move forward in that direction.  If you don't know then marry an abusive person and he will tell you what to think, what to do, when to do, where to do and god help you when you slip up.  

  11. i think when you are the right age, marriage is great.  I got married when i was 28 and feel it was the right age for me.  Before I got married, I lived on my own, i dated a lot and got all of that restless stuff out of my system.  when i finally got married, i was ready.

  12. I'm not sure.  All I know is that when they've done studies to look at it, most people are no happier after having been married for a few years than they were before the marriage.  Married people are happier than single people, but that's only because people who are happier to begin with are more likely to get married.

    Also, the divorce rate for teen-age marriages is at 75% so either your friends are the lucky ones or their marriages just haven't hit the rough spots yet.

  13. For me, yes married life is better.  

  14. its an opinion for some people its better for some its not  

  15. If you married to the right person yes marriage life can be a lot better. But if you married to the wrong person it can be h**l. Stay single and focus on your life love always come when you not looking.

  16. My married life had its ups and downs. Since my husband died 20 months ago...I find SO much LESS stress in my life. Life is manageable; no weird job keeps me solvent. I am putting money away....but I MISS him.   There's no romance, no adventure, no surprises. Me and the dog comfort each other...but I know she misses him too.  Take what you need and leave what you don't!

  17. I like married life better than single life but I am very glad that I did not get married young.  I think that our marriage is stronger because we each had a chance to be "on our own" for a few years before we got married.  I wouldn't take that back for anything even though I love my husband and love being married to him.

    I changed so much between the time I was 20 and 25.  If I had tried to make a decision about who I spend the rest of my life with before I knew myself -- well that would be problematic.

  18. To each there own.  I am happy being married. You have to do what makes you happy.


  19. In my opinion, no one should get married at 22, you haven't had a chance to get to know who you are and what you really want. To answer your question, there is no black and white answer. Marriage is hard work, but can be the best thing that ever happened to you, if you have the right mate. I didn't get married until I was well into my 40's. I didn't want any children so it was difficult to find a women who felt the same way.

    I enjoyed being single, but I also enjoy married life (more so now that I'm getting older). My personal opinion is that no one should get married until they are at least in their 30's. By that time you should be entrenched in your career, have some sort of financial stability and have dated enough to know what you don't want. Besides, 80% of marriages of people between 16 and 25 end up in divorce. The odds are definately against you. You are young, enjoy life, the responsibility of marriage and kids will come along sooner than you think.

  20. Yes and No.  Marriage is a wonderful thing but you also want to make sure that you do it for love.  Being single gives you the opportunity to find yourself and also accomplish things in life that you have set for yourself.  

  21. everything has its advantages or inconveniences. YOU choose who YOU want to be .  

  22. The answer is that the RIGHT marriage will make you a lot happier than living single. This is because, in a good relationship, both the good and bad experiences are shared. I have been married for almost 35 years. And, although I have made many sacrifices for my marriage (as has my husband), I would choose to marry him all over again in a flash.

    Just be careful. Think long and hard about what attributes you want in a mate. And give yourself plenty of time to make sure the person you want to marry has those attributes. Don't worry, you have plenty of time. Good luck to you.

  23. Yes! Marriage is wonderful and extremely hard and by far complicated!   I love the beautiful intimacy with my wife-a woman in general.  Thats the best part of marrriage!  To have someone by your side, to kiss, to hug, to snuggle, to embrace, to carry from room to room, to pet, to caress, etc,etc and so on.  My kids are wonderful, I get to play with them at the parks. I get to be a kid all over again by playing Sony playstation video games with them.  

  24. I didn't get married until 25. I only know of one couple younger than us that was married at the time. All others got married in late 20's or mid 30's. It all depends on your education, background and upbringing as to when you feel marriage is appropriate and if it is right for you. I was not in high school searching for my husband. I enjoyed being single. Now I enjoy being married. (happily for 11 years)

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