
Is marrying someone in prison considered a felony?

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Because my babydaddy finally popped the question but unfortunately he wont get out of prison until May 2010




  1. No, most states allow marriages to take place while he is doing his time. You would have to look on the website for the prisons of your state and see how you would go about it. It is in no way shape or form illegal!!

  2. no the crime that put him in prison was a felony

    you seriously need to think things through before marrying him...especially think of your child...

  3. I almost married a man in prison - DON'T DO IT!  He is there for a good reason and nothing good will come of it. Once they go in there, they all seem to become player and s***w with mowan mentally.  I'm sure you are thinking he is a good man, that he loves you and would not lie to you; don't fall for it, they tell each woman that!  I was this mans' "one and only" for two years. We broke up and he married two weeks later.

  4. No, marrying a convict is not a felony, just aggravated stupid.

  5. Are you serious? No it's not illegal, the prison wouldn't let a criminal commit yet another crime while in custody. But the real question is, why in the h**l do you want to marry this guy? Just because he's your "baby daddy" doesn't mean that he's husband material. A clear indication that he is not, is the fact that he's in jail and you're out here alone with the kid. And if he's so serious about marriage, have him wait until he's home to marry you. Don't fall for the jail talk.

  6. No, its called a stupid decision. You're better off without him, you're already raising your child alone. He's in prison for committing a crime, don't waste your time waiting for him, move on honey he's not worth it.

  7. I'm sure you two will have a bright future!  

    So I guess you have so many guys after you that a felon is your best option?  Such high standards!

  8. No it is not a felony, it is a crime however a crime agianst intellegence

  9. No, but it doesn't make good sense.  Why didn't he marry you before he got locked up?  Don't be a loser.  Drop this guy like a bad habit.  I'm speaking from experience, my ex went to jail (felony), promised marriage from jail, but never wanted to marry before he got locked up.  People tried to warn me.  Boy am I glad I listened because he got out of jail, continued to commit the same crimes he did to get him in there.  Then cheated, and the story goes on and on.  I'm glad I listened because had I not listened, I would be stuck with a narcissistic, cheating, outlaw felon that can't get a job especially with children or at hospitals because of the felony.  He can't vote.  He can't apply for financial aid to go back to school.  He can't sustain his family without committing crimes.  That = one sad life for you and your baby.  Find someone that really cares about you and your child, because if he did he wouldn't be there.  People don't change, and even if he wanted to the government is going to make sure that when he gets out in 2010 he can't do a single thing to strengthen his circumstance.  The only thing I regret is not leaving my ex sooner. Don't did your self into a deeper whole.  

  10. No i married my husband in state prison about two years ago hes out now but hopefully he learns his lesson because my husband did hes a change man even tough ppl say they dont change well he did and i give thx to my Lord for changing him. Good luck!

  11. NO I consider it plain stupid prison changes men and he will all- ways have trouble finding a job to provide for his family

  12.   No ! It is not a felony. It is only foolish !

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