
Is marvin harrison worth drafting this yr?

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i know he had the knee injury and missed 11 games last yr, but i have a feeling he is going to come back strong and be a solid no. 2 wr this yr in fantasy. i also think that with harrison coming back, reggie wayne loses a little value also... give me your opinion of where marvin harrison should be taken in drafts or if you would stay away from him completely..





  1. Hi bo_sox_bomber24,

    Harrison's best numbers are definitely behind him, but that doesn't mean that he won't be drafted in 2008 fantasy drafts.  Work out of camp is that Harrison has been slowed by his injuries and hasn't taken part in hardly any drills.  Add to this the fact that he was involved in the shooting (and he'll be 36 this year) and you see that Harrison has his problems in 2008.

    If you think Harrison will make a big comeback in 2008, I think you're asking for too much; he just has too many factors working against him.  Also, Indy drafted Gongalez for a reason, they knew that Harrison's days were numbered.  If anything Wayne's numbers may go up this year because Payton will be looking to him more often with Harrison losing carries to Gonzalez (if he's on the field at all).

    I would temper my expectations of Harrison.  I currently have him ranked 25th among all WRs but that could move depending on news out of camp; right now that news isn't positive.  To see my full WR listings, check out the link in my source list.  On my site you can also create your own WR rankings using drag and drop, then generate a printable cheat sheet to take to your fantasy draft.  It's free.

  2. IF Harrison is healthy, and that is certainly not a guarantee at this point. Right now i wouldn't draft him as a starting WR, if he proves his knee is ok, then he would be a good #2. Wayne is a stud and will get his regardless of Harrison. It is highly unlikely that Harrison returns to his old form.

  3. i would draft him as late as posable cause its very risky. only take him if there is not that good of talent around then u could hav a big steal. knees usually get reinjured tho

  4. Sure Harrison is worth drafting, just not early.  In years past he was a sure second round selection, but now he can be had much later.  Later in the draft he brings upside and could rebound this year.  As for Wayne, I don't see Harrison's presence affecting his production.

  5. Drafting Marvin harrison is risky due to injury history, i would wait and see hopefully no one picks him and watch him in the pre-season.

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