
Is masturbating a sin? Just curious to know. ?

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just curious because I want to buy a toy. I'm still a virgin and I'm 19 years old. So i guess that sums up the reason why I want one. So seriously is it a sin? and if it is can you tell me where in the bible it is or where it's implied.




  1. Masturbating is a sin. Masturbation is an unclean practice. Please read this article How Can I Conquer The Habit at the following link

    Pray to God for help. Ask him for strength to guard against this temptation.

  2. If you are not believer in Christ, then you do not think anything is a sin.

    If you are Christian, keep your sexual urges private

  3. No it is not a sin. Its common to think so because some people think that is always associated with lust. But really it can help you gain self control if you need it. Just have good intentions for doing things.

  4. (Colossians 3:5) . . .Deaden, therefore, YOUR body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. . .

  5. G-d says yes in the bible

    "OT"  and i use quotes cuz i call it the Testament but wateva

  6. Nope. It's it's not a sin what-so-ever.

  7. No, it's not a sin.  Enjoy.  It's safer the s*x anyway.  

  8. Love not the world, neither the things that are of the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the LUST OF THE FLESH, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.

                                                   John 2: 15-16

  9. Yes Jesus kills a cat every time

  10. If you believe that God created your body, then you would have to conclude that God designed the idea of the o****m as well.  Why would God make s*x and masturbation so much d**n fun if he didn't want us to do.

    If you don't believe in God, then you don't believe in Heaven, so since it doesn't infringe upon anyone else, and you won't be punshed for it... no big deal.

    Go for it.  There is no sin in it.  And........ it is a whole lot of fun.

  11. most christian leaders say YES

    i think they are all Leaders that cause us to "err".

    i have said that there is a disclaimer.  masturbation does destroy the body through abuse. but I myself practiced a life long commitment to not masturabating  and i suffered the worse pornographic dreams ALL the time!

    i believed in Marriage and eternal marriage with never ending disappointment but sometimes i think i still have hope !!! but no matter how much i believed I could never find a wife.

    the only thing that seemed to take away Night Emissions and dreams is to m********e. I think i personally believe i lived a life of chastity at my very best, but i admit to not being perfectly chaste. i hated p**n dreams and night emissions more than the shame of masturbation. or even of the failed judgment of religious leaders. Not everyone can find a wife and even of those that do find wives they admit failure.

    there are evils and consequences of masturbation  some are declared and some are not proven. It is better than fornication in my opinion

    chastity is the commandment!

    abstinenence is the faith

    Marriage is always ordained of God.

  12. Yes, as ceiling cat is always watching you m********e.

  13. Thats so hawt.

    Thinking.. wanna go out some time? Dinner and a movie?

  14. No it is a natural healthy activity. It can even help lessen cramps.  Just don't put anything in that you'll have trouble getting out. This is why many toys have a large base.  

  15. It's all very logical:

    1. Everybody masturbates

    2. Christianity asserts that everyone is sinful, having somehow inherited Adam's sin

    3. Masturbation must be God-given as evidence of the truth of assertion 2.

    4. Therefore, you should m********e frequently if only to vindicate God's view of your sinfulness.

    My women friends speak highly of the Hitachi Wand.

  16. I hope not or else I am soooooo screwed!!!

  17. its a sin!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Yes, it is a sin. the very fact that you are asking this question is proof because you expeirience guilt that comes afterwards,  bible scriptures: "that which is not of faith is sin", and "thou shalt not lust".

  19. Firstly, don't listen to anyone who doesn't give you any Bible.

    Yes it's sin.

    *Note: In fact, most times it's take imagining or lusting after someone who is not your husband/wife.

    Christ said in Matt 5:28 - "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

    *Note: It's fornication / sexual immorality.  

    (1 Cor 6:9-10)

    9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither FORNICATORS, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor ABUSERS of themselves with mankind,

       10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

    *Note: Textbook Definition of Masturbation is Self Abuse. Would you abuse the Lord's temple?

    1 Cor 3:17 - If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, WHICH TEMPLE YE ARE.

    *Proof Text Masturbation is Sin (Roman 6:12 &13)

    12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

       13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

    To conclude, if you get a feeling of guilt and shame afterwards, that's the holy spirit convicting you as if you had done any other sin like cheating or stealing.

    God Bless...

  20. Nowhere in the New Testament does it say that it is a sin. NOWHERE. Now, some fundamentalists will try to skew Bible verses and say it is. Put they are talking about lust. The only kind of lust that is BAD is when you look at a person only as an object of lust. I mean, fiancees lust after each other all the time, whether they've waited or not.

    It's natural human behavior. We all need to do it if we don't have a partner. Its the best way to relieve sexual tension if you are single.

    Some people are convinced its wrong. But why? Ask yourself these questions.

    1.) Is it illegal? No.

    2.) Does it hurt someone? No.

    3.) Does it hurt yourself? No.

    4.) Would a loving God be angry at you for making yourself feel good in a way that doesn't harm you? NO!

    It will only make you feel good. It won't be better than having s*x with a real person. So you are still saving real intercourse for someone special, if that's what you want to do.

    YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF! Everyone does it. And if they don't, either they are lying or there is something wrong with their hormones.

  21. No it's not.

    its natural, s*x is natural too.

  22. should do whatever makes you feel good!

  23. Be fruitful and multiply?

  24. While the Bbible clearly condemns extra marital s*x,

    it never gets around to specifying masturbation as sin.

    One could ever argue it's MUCH better to sublimate one desires than succumb to risky or inappropriate behaviors.

    Place your order, have fun.  Your virtue will remain intact.

    JFTR though, your might want to favor ...ahem more organic methods of having orgasms. Masturbationn 'trains' your sexual response, so heavily favoring techniques 'not found in nature' may mismatch your response to the eventual man in you life.  

  25. are you lusting in your thoughts about some guy then yes it's sin. if you can do this without fantasies of some other person why not. but this may be impossible

  26. if your a chrisitian living is a sin

  27. I would put it on about the same level as pornogrophy, which is absolutely horrific in God's eyes. I can tell you this just by the conscience that God gave me.

    Before you give in to your... lust, please ask yourself this question: What do I value more? God, or worldly pleasure? That's basically what it comes down to. And no, it's not really possible to love worldly pleasure more then God and be reborn in Christ simultaneously.

  28. Yes for it is lust in the heart. We are told not to lust after another.

    Proverbs 6:25

    Lust not after her beauty in thine heart;

    neither let her take thee with her eyelids.

    Matthew 5:28

    But I say unto you,

    That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her

    hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

    Galations 5:16

    This I say then,

    Walk in the Spirit,

    and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

    James 1:14

    But every man is tempted,

    when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

    James 1:15

    Then when lust hath conceived,

    it bringeth forth sin:

    and sin, when it is finished,

    bringeth forth death.

    2Peter 2:10

    But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness,

    and despise government.

    Presumptuous are they,


    they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

    1John 2:16

    For all that is in the world,

    the lust of the flesh,

    and the lust of the eyes,

    and the pride of life,

    is not of the Father,

    but is of the world.

  29. If it is heaven must be a pretty empty place.

    Still if you are a virgin and get a toy don't get one that's going to pop your cherry! You don't want to lose your virginity to a toy do you lol?

  30. Most Christians will tell you yes it is, but don't worry about it. It's not a very bad sin, murder for example is a sin, but I think God will understand your need to m********e because some people just have to release that tension.

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