
Is masturbating for my girlfriend sometimes healthy?

by  |  earlier

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how many times per day

i m********e for her at least 3 times a day




  1. Sure. You are a legend.  

  2. iits healthy dont worry it doesnt matter how manyy times you do it.!


  3. she doesn't want to have s*x with you

  4. sure, as long as she enjoy's it.

    I do the same thing... Sometimes she likes to 'catch' me doing it.

    Especially in the shower, then she'll finish the job for me.

  5. be careful it is very unhealthy.

  6. I dont know if it will help your girlfriend

    but if it helps you go fap all you want.

  7. Well sure masturbating is healthy, and it fun to be watched doing it, but do you 2 know about intercourse?

  8. Hey wait a minute...didn't you just ask a question asking how to best tell you gf you love her? Wow, if it's the same girl, then I think she knows how you feel! (from ur other ?)

  9. as long as it doesn't interfere with your school/work etc, i dont see how it could be a bad thing. as long as its fun and safe, and your not feeling guilty its fine

  10. i prefer to w**k for my own joy

  11. Umm could y ou you do it to yourself for her pleasure or to her for her pleasure?

  12. If you mean masturbating yourself for her to watch, then of *course* it's healthy... it's healthy when you do it alone, and if she likes to see it, then it's a win/win deal, isn't it?    h**l, way back when I was in my teens, I masturbated 7 or 8 times almost every single day for *years*... I still do it almost daily and sometimes twice a day in addition to having a very active s*x life with my girlfriend, and I'm almost 50 years old.   Hasn't done me anything but good as far as I can tell.

    If you mean masturbating (fingering or whatever you like to call it) *her*, it's still healthy (it's every bit as good for women's health as for men's) although of course it's up to her how many times is "OK".

  13. If she likes it great its healthy for guys to do this. I dont know if they do it that much but if u can go for it.

  14. Ummmmmmm wtf

  15. how is it unhealthy. . if anything it does good :)

  16. yes its health, helps get over stress and things like that... its a biological need...

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