
Is masturbating wrong when...

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watching g*y p**n if you feel you are straight?

me and my friend argued about this today,

My argument - Nothing is wrong with it, pleasure yourself to what you feel like.

Her argument - But what if more people think of becoming g*y for the experience they have watched? More g**s and less people to make children will end the world really.

What do you think?

is it wrong?

Yes or No and an explanation to your answer please!!!




  1. Your friend is wrong. Masturbating to g*y p**n is okay and we definitley won't run out of people in the world. Our world is already overpopulated as it is already. In addition, there are still a lot of people who would not even consider looking at g*y p**n.

  2. NO NO NO WAY. Your friend is so wrong we have 6,714,343,941 + more living in the world and  every second a kid is born so were r not going to run out of men. 8====>

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