
Is masturbation a form of abortion ?

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If not, is it ok to do it ?




  1. no and its normal to m********e.

  2. ????

    thats a wierd question

    you dont usually find those two words together lol

    in my opinion abortion is bad unless some difficulties present themselves..

    masturbation is okis to do it.. natural;)

    i have no idea what the two hav  to do with each other

  3. Only if you're doing it while watching a pregnant pet duck..

  4. what the h**l are you talking about


  5. yes

  6. not abortion cuz its only half the formula, and its ok to do it if thats what your beleif system allows.

  7. well technically the sperm never made its way into the womb. its like asking yourself if planting a seed for a tree in concrete is killing a tree. you cant kill something that never lived. yea the seed or sperm could have been a tree or a baby but it wasn't. so no its not.  XD

  8. No it isn't, and it's okay to do it.

  9. Masturbation is a normal function for all boys and most men.  It would be abnormal not to do it.  As there is no fetus involved, it has nothing to do with abortion.  

    The priests that claim it is wrong are the same ones masturbating themselves, having s*x with nuns and parishioners, and preying on children, both boys and girls.

  10. that's messed up. doing stuff to urself isnt killing anything. if so, ur doing it wrong!

  11. the big point is, you can not get pregnant from masturbation and therefore, if you are not pregnant, you don;t have anything inside you to no, it is not a form of abortion-abortion refers to killing an unborn baby, and if you have nothing inside you to kill, how could it be?

  12. no, and yes

  13. It is not.  And there is nothing wrong with it.

  14. what?


  15. Somewhere in the bible it says something about spilling your seed and that being wrong.

    But remember it was written a long time ago by some very superstitious people.

    I believe that NOT masturbating can be more unhealthy. People who grow up thinking masturbation is wrong can have some mental issues surrounding s*x and self-image and all kinds of things. It is a natural release.

    In fact, it releases endorphins and is a natural painkiller/relaxer.

  16. is this a joke,,,?

    masturbation has nothing to do with abortion.

    abortion is ending a pregnancy??

    mastubation is simply pleasuring yourself phsycaiilly.. you can m********e if you are pregnant or if you are not pregnant.

    the two have nothing to do with each toher.

  17. birth begins in the womb

    Gods natural way of recreation


  18. To some religious groups, yes it is a form of abortion.

    And no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

  19. There are probably times when your parents wished they had practiced it more.


  20. XD

  21. What an idiot. Abortion is after the egg is fertilized. And no you shouldn't do it.

  22. NO

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