
Is masturbation really normal?

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is it?




  1. no. its completley abnormal. you're a freak and a dirty dirty boy to m********e.  

  2. yea man masturbation is normal, everyone does it.

  3. Masturbation is completely normal, and very good for your health - this is from Wikipedia:

    "A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

    Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers m********e at least six times a week.

    Please read this too, and be sure to read it all through - the beginning is a bit confusing:

    Jackinworld did a survey of its readers and obtained the following results:

    Average Masturbation Frequencies by Age:

    11: 11.1 times per week

    12: 9.4

    13: 10.6

    14: 10.6

    15: 9.9

    16: 9.6

    17: 9.4

    18: 8.5

    19: 9.3

    Your body is designed for regular sexual activity, and until you are ready for s*x with a partner, masturbation is the responsible option. It is completely safe - nobody ever got pregnant or infected through masturbation - and its FREE!

    It is also a wonderful way to get to know your body sexually - when I had my first serious girlfriend I was glad that masturbation had helped me understand my own reactions; otherwise the sensations would have been overwhelming and confusing.

    Hope I've helped!

  4. Nooo it's not. Masturbation is very normal. But strict religious nuts think other wise.

  5. 95% of males m********e and the other 5% lie about it! most guys do it and it is not that big of a deal.  Believe it or not there have been studies conducted that prove that regular masturbation, (20-30 times per week) you can actually improve the health of your prostate, and prevents prostate cancer. It regulates your system AND is quite pleasurable soooooo i would say go for it!

    hope i helped!


  6. it is very normal

  7. If normal is defined by some magic number that is a large percentage of people, then I would say it is rather normal, yes. Even monkey populations do it.  

  8. People say it is I think it is you should think it is everybody does it

  9. its normal for guys in their teens and early twenties. I think after a certain age it needs to stop

  10. Wat's abnormal abt it?

  11. yea almost everyone does it.

  12. of course its normal why would it not be like everybody in the history of time and spanked the monkey  

  13. 90 percent m********e, 10% lie

    it is completely normal there is not one guy on this page that doesn't m********e (except me ha ha)

  14. If you want to make it interesting, sit on your hand for a few minutes until it goes numb, then try!

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