
Is maths an important part of computers?

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Ok am returning to college to do a bachelor of arts in computing. It is a full time 4 year course and basically am nervous about the maths part. I am ok at maths but not great and am nervous that it is going to damage my progress in the course. I know maths is part of the course but i was just wondering to what level. Does anyone know what kind of maths i would be doing. Thanks




  1. well ive worked with pc's for years and cant recall any major use of math...but im not going to collage....ill be back later to see other answers

  2. as you are from arts stream you must require math to achieve greater idea to cover up the cs subject.

    knowing math your knowledge will be sharp and your programming will be best than other.

    yes math is important for computer study.

    without math you cannot make a mathematical programming such as finding prime number etc.

    you cannot find which algorithm would have less time complexity ,that why math is require.

  3. Until the 80s, universities didn't even have "Computer Science" departments.  If you wanted a degree in Computer Science, you got a degree in mathematics with a specialty in CS.

    Yes, you will have to take some mathematics classes in order to get a Bachelor's degree in computer science.  This will probably include the basic calculus courses plus a class or two like discrete mathemathics.  As for what the school specifically requires, check the school's catalogs.

  4. yes and no.

    not all computer jobs use a lot of math.

    however almost all use the logical thought process that makes one successful at math.

    on the other hand, your use of  "maths"  would seem to indicate you could use some help in English also.

    as for what courses the college would require, you'll need to ask the school specifically.

  5. Depending on what type of computers you are getting into it will range from no math to a very large amount of high level math.

  6. For a BA in computing (as opposed to a B.Sc) about the only maths you are likely to need is binary, hex and octal unless there is a heavy programming element involving stuff like least path analysis. The binary is needed to understand conversion errors and how floating point numbers are actually held.

    Edit: With ref to a previous answer it is about time that US answerers realised that 'maths' is English just as 'colour', 'night' and numerous other English words have been altered to simplify terminology or spelling for not so bright Americans,

  7. Yes you will be doing alot of maths. The course leaders will be able to advise you better than anyone elso so try E-mailing them. Maths isnt so hard if you look at it as a straight forward process and dont get nervous. I managed to get a 1st in Civil engineering with only a C in GCSE maths

  8. Yes! Computers run on the basis of the decimal system. Binary is the system that composes of 1's and zero's, from 1 zero to sixteen zeros.

    Search up binary code if you need more info,hope i helped!

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