
Is mba beneficial for a staff accountant w/ bachelors in accounting?

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Is mba beneficial for a staff accountant w/ bachelors in accounting?




  1. The question is perfectly amenable to ordinary financial analysis and should be within the capability of a qualified accountant fully apprised of the situation.

    Namely, You!

  2. Education for me is a way to improve the specific skills. You may not necessarily need formal education as a knowledge can also be achieved through experience. Because you need to be aware that a staff accountant that process payment & invoicing doesn't need MBA. It's over qualified for the task & job satisfaction would certainly drop because the education/ experience doesn't match the task.

    So... answer is NO. Unless, it's a temporary position for improvement purposes for a max 1 year. After that you need to ensure that he/ she got the matched task/ job for the education.


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