
Is mc cain in trouble, does he have a hard time paying off 7 mortgages?

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Is mc cain in trouble, does he have a hard time paying off 7 mortgages?




  1. I highly doubt that he has even one mortgage.  His wife is very wealthy, there is no need for them to have mortgages.

  2. Both Obama and McCain are not poor people.  

    But why can't they have as many houses as they want, it is supposed to be the USA, and I think we can still own what we wish..

  3. I doubt it. He will have access to some secret funds somewhere along the line, ALL politicians always have a secret slush fund set up by some sycophantic companies hoping for payback if their pet politician gets into power.

  4. No, this only tells me that he understands on how money works. So what if he doesn't know how many houses he owns. this also shows that he knows how to make sound financial decisions. This is why the so called "recession" is not affecting him.

  5. no, his wife easily picks up the tab

  6. I think his wife brings in  17 million a yr and he does 400,000 why would there be any trouble????

    I dont see it...

  7. I highly doubt it.

    I doubt he even has mortgages on them, his wife is a heiress to the Hensley fortune.

    DPJ: GREAT question!

    The hypocritical thing is that Obama also is a multi-millionaire and no one criticizes him for having "too much" money. How many members of the drive-by media are multi-millionaires themselves?

    I personally think a guy who went through Annapolis (The Naval Academy) has a better chance of relating to the "common man" than a guy who went through Columbia and Harvard Law. It isn't just the silver spoon crowd who attends the military schools, I would say a majority of them, attend because they love their country and love the ideals the military stands for. WHere as in the IVY league schools you are apt to run into card carrying members of the Communist Party USA. (I am not implying Obama is a Communist, just stating a fact about the Ivy League)  

  8. He has some trouble paying the mortgages, he forgets how many he has, so it becomes hard to make the payments on time...

  9. No. He doesn't. Why is capitalism and success so looked down upon by the liberals?  

  10. With as much money as his wife has, he has no trouble at all. He doens't even know how many houses he owns.  

  11. He is not in any troubles and it's not his fault not been in any. Since when we are to be blamed for having what we can pay for??? If those losing their homes would have manage their finances better, they would end up in such problems. When making financial decisions, we must take into consideration the problems that can come up tomorrow, not only our financial situation today. The vast majority of those with financial problems were trying to live above their means and now they are paying for it...

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