Is the following simplistic understanding basically corrrect?
A germ cell has 23 chromosomes and at conception comes together with another germ cell. The 23 pairs of chromosomes zip together, matching at alleles. For each gene, either the mother or father’s gene is dominant and expressed in the phenotype of the resulting animal. The other gene at that allele remains unexpressed.
The new being begins meiosis and produces its own germ cells with 23 chromosomes. These chromosomes are new combinations of information, with some information from the father, some from the mother. Gene dominance affects the phenotype, but not meiosis or the composition of chromosomes in the new gamete. Each new chromosome in each gamete is created with a new role of the dice. At every allele there is a 50/50 chance of getting the gene from father or mother, regardless of dominance. Sperm are all unique and any two sperms from one male will on average share about half the same genetic information.