
Is methane worse than anything else on global warming?

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is there any other effect =)on the earth that is affecting the climate change on the earth apart from the ocean? ...and dont say cows cause I know...




  1. the climate changes every it has from the bsginning.dont buy the next fleasing of the world.if they say it long enough.people start to believe it.this is al gores revenge for loseing the election.he recomends that you change your life style.but he wont change his.unless he can get us to pay for it.and he will also do that in dont think he made his money working do you.him and his gang are swindlers.and there not giving it up. he has the democrates ready to jump on that band wagon.leave it to them. life will nolonger be as we know it.every thing we were taught for sucess is now wrong.when al moves into a teepee.then ill start listening.

  2. plently of other things are helping advance global warming...such as:

    Carbon dioxide/monoxide...from oganisms and cars


    other polutants that contribute to smog...when there is cloud cover heat cant escape as efficiently which raises temperature like an oven.

  3. Over 96 percent of the greenhouse effect - without which, by the way, Earth would be an uninhabitable ice ball - is caused by water vapor.  I shudder to think what the Goreacle would want us to do to fix that...

  4. its not only methane its also lots of other stuff!

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