
Is mexican food bad for you or full of fat??

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My husband is obsessed with Mexican food... eats it almost every day at times... burritos, quesadillas, fajitas... he lovves it all. But is that good for you? I told him that i think that stuff is bad for him and he shouldn't be eating so much but he says all it is is tortillas with meat veggies and cheese...

Does anyone know though if this is true? IF it is healthy for you? I haven't really met too many people who eat a lot of mexican that were in good physique.




  1. mexican food is fattening, unless you find and healthy way to cook it, but it doesn't taste the same.

  2. Wow, I love all the Latino food, with all the beans, and vegies, it is the best for my vegetarian diet. I eat Mexican at least 4 nites a week. It does not have to be loaded with fat, make your own, it is well worth it,. Even when I dine out I am able to keep to my diet very well. Don`t order those fat laden things, thats all. Good luck.

  3. It really depends what he's ordering and how he eats it.  Does he load up with sour cream?  Tell him to switch to Guacamole instead, it's fatty but it's monounsaturated, (the good kind) of fat.  Also encourage him to eat shrimp or chicken fajitas instead of steak.  If the stuff he's eating isn't fried it should be fine.  Otherwise, moderation is the key.

  4. yes you ******* dumb ***!!

  5. It really depends. Most meats (red meat, pork, etc) have a lot of saturated fats, which are bad fats. Almost all fast-food chains cook in trans-fats, which are even worse than saturated fats (trans fats include vegetable shortenings like *partially hydrogenated* vegetable oil, etc). Trans fats raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL), and have no nutritional value. They both contribute to things like heart disease and heart attack.

    On the other hand, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (as found in olive oils, nuts, and fish) are good for you. The do the opposite of saturated and trans fats, and have many beneficial nutrients (such as omega 3 fatty-acids).

    Things like bean burritos aren't bad at all (and are a good substitute for meats in means of protein) if cooked properly (meaning not cooked in trans fats). Dairy products in their essential manners aren't bad, but the hormones loaded into the animals nowadays stay in the milk, which we consume.

    Also, eating too much dairy at one time isn't a good idea because a lot at one time is very difficult for the body to break down.

    And, since we're talking about nutrients, I'm going to go ahead and say *DON'T DRINK TAP WATER*! Even if you have a PUR filter, it doesn't get the fluoride out. Fluoride isn't something to swallow (hence, the warning on the back of the toothpaste tubes). Please, if any thing, watch this video:

  6. pretty heavy in calories and usually heavy in fat.

  7. just depends on how you eat it, yes it is definately fattening for you!

  8. It depends on what he is eating and how it's prepared.  If he is eating from Taco Bell every day then yes it's bad for you.  Other wise it's hard to classify an entire ethnicity of food as good or bad!

  9. Pretty much unless you get somehting with a soft shell and only veggies.

  10. its good for him

  11. It's not unhealthy it just gives you gas

  12. If you took away my Mexican food as my wife , I dont even want to think about that ..................

  13. AmericanIZED Mexican food is full of fat-- very much so. Your husband sounds like a heart attack in the making.

    I noticed you even listed this under "fast food" not "ethnic". Subconsciously you must know better.


    True Mexican food, which your husband probably wouldn't recognize if it fell on his plate, is quite healthy....


    Incidentally, Taco Bell does NOT serve Mexican food-- it has its own made up, high fat,  pseudo Tex-Mex concoctions with fancy sensationalized names.

  14. the thing is- if he's buying "Mexican" food at taco bell or something everyday he's going to be obese very soon. but i think that people have a misconception- I think a lot of Mexican food served around here is really americanized. for example i was sitting next to a woman who was born and raised in Japan, and i was talking to her about the culture and then the topic of food came up- and i love Japanese food so had to ask- i asked about sushi and she told me that the sushi that she has seen served in America is very different- she told me that in Japan the sushi place is right on the coast line, and they would actually serve live fish and you would cut pieces of meat and eat it right off the live fish- she said that it's the freshest taste of the anyway i got a little side traced- but I think that real Mexican food can pretty healthy for you. Try getting some recipes off line so you can make it for him at home, that way you can be in control of the ingredients and you can see exactly whats going into it.

  15. It depends really, on the amount and if he's smothering it in sour cream and cheese.  Sour cream and cheese have a lot of fat, so I would cut down on it.  But no, eating it moderately isn't terrible.

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