
Is mexico safe to visit?

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me and my friends are thinking of going on holiday to mexico city as it seems like a beautiful and exciting place to visit i have never been to mexico before so i am a little worried as i have heard alot on how dangerous it is esp for tourists and how you shouldn't take taxis as alot of crime happens to tourists in taxis please can anyone tell me on how risky it is and how you can increase your chances of staying safe.




  1. of course mexico is safe 100%guaranted

  2. nowhere is save in this world anymore... but you just have to watch out if something you see its wrong... in all the countries are crimes and bad people... Mexico is great !  

  3. Avoid the green beetle car taxis. They are notoriously dangerous.

    Other than that, yes it is a slightly dangerous city, but unfortunately, so are many many cities world wide.

    Be aware of who is around you, where you are and dont carry all your possessions on you just in case. When I visited I made sure I had some money in a seperate pocket which I planned on handing over if I was threatened. Luckily it didn't happen.

    Photo copy your passport, insurance, driving licence and other important documents before you leave and then email them to yourself. Then if anything does happen, at least you'll have copies.

    Good luck & have fun - oh do go on the tourist bus - its about 3.5 hours long if you dont get off but its the best way to see all the city & get your bearings.  

  4. Mexico City is not as unsafe as Iraq or Somalia's capitals, but certainly, you do have to take care of you, and don't push your luck, showing with no doubt that you're an English-speaking  foreigner and your Spanish is not at the level of the rest of the people.

    Especially, don't go to Downtown at night, don't go to Tepito (a popular neighborhood from which propably you'll hear about. It's famous for its "bargain" prices at electronic items, stereos, radios, TV'S and of course, pirated movies. Most of this items are stolen, so it's not convenient for you to accept this "cheap" deals. And everybody in Mexico knows about Tepito's public violence. Many people get robbed or assaulted there. So just don't go there!!!!)

    Take special care when riding a taxi, many people recommend base taxis (You call some base and the taxi will pick you at your hotel or home, but these cabs are much more expensive that the ones at the street, and less dangerous too).

    Mexico is not a "law" country as the States. Everybody in Mexico can drive as they want, and do their things as they want. The government has little or no interaction in the life of average citizens. (Except when the government robs the taxes from all the citizens for their political purposes).

    If the police in the States has bad esteem, in Mexico is a lot worse!!!

    Never trust to a Mexican policeman!!! Though there can be some honest, the majority can be easily bribed with not so big deals.

    So, in that sense, Mexico City's public security is below compared to Washington, DC (Which is ranked as the most insecure city in the States).

    Overall, you can spend a great time down here!!!

    Enjoy your trip, and thanks for reading

  5. I guess that depends where you go: Mexico City is definetely not the safest place on earth. But if you go to beach cities like Puerto Vallarta, you can litterally be out at 3am and nothing will happen to you if you stay in the tourist frequeented areas like the hotel zone, the boardwalk by the beach, where they restaurants etc.

    Plus they are great hotels to stay there in all inclusive so if you don't want to go out too much you can stay at the property, eat, drink and have fun without keeping money in your pockets.

  6. The U.S. Dept. of State still has crime in Mexico City listed as "violent and in high levels". I'd review their travel site for any alerts and safety information.

  7. I returned from there 10 days ago... I spend a week there & I only saw a mild fender-bender. I did see a lot of foreing tourism... for a reason, it is safe there. I visited 4/5 of the city with no incidents. Like every city in the world it has a "bad area" but if you avoid it you'll just fine.

  8. its no more dangerous than any other developing country, just excercise some simple precautions; dont flash money, jewlery, electronics, dont go out alone if possible, try exploring with tour groups or with a local friend. catch taxi cabs only at taxi depots, known as "sitio"

  9. Crime is overated. No different than say New York. Good and bad areas that your 5th sense will tell you. Dont wear flashy jewlery , stumbling drunk and try and buy drugs :)

    Use common sense and have fun......Overblown tourist myth

  10. Yes, Mexico is safe & you can visit easily. But if you want to know more travelling information of Mexico, then you can find it from I hope it willbe helpfull for you.

  11. There are pickpockets on the Metro and buses, mostly during rush hour, at off-peak times (when you can get a seat), they can't get as close to you body and make the lift. If you're female, you have to watch for gropers (perverts just looking to feel a female body). Again, the chance of this goes down between the morning and evening rush hours, when the cars are not as jammed packed.

    Then there are crimes of opportunity, where a petty thief sees something not being watch too closely, so he can grab and run. If you're in a restaurant and you hang you purse or camera on the back of the chair, someone can lift it and be gone quickly. So put your pocketbook and camera on the floor and put you foot through the strap and you'll be fine.

    A good investment is a money-belt that you can wear under you clothes. Carry you passport, credit cards, tourist card and 90 percent of you money there, with just ten percent of your money in your pocketbook.

    You may have heard of kidnappings in Mexico City, but they are of little concern for the average tourist. The gangs that perpetrate these crimes are just interested in the VERY wealthy, someone they know the net worth of and which assets the victim's family can liquidate to pay the ransom. So it's a good idea not to appear wealthy in DF.

  12. Yes it is relatively safe. It's ike any other city, but with 20 million people. It has good and bad areas. Anything can happen. You can be in a safe area in the US and some thing bad can still happen. Same with Mexico and any other place.

    Stay with one or all of your friends when ya'll are out.

    Go to travel sites or look at some books to make sure which are the safest areas to be in and which are not.

    Carry a map around.

    Don't wear too much jewelry or carry too much money.

    Learn a little bit of Spanish.

    Ride the bus.

    Use your common sense: Don't be out too late in areas with not much people around.


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