
Is miami a good place to raise a family?

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Or is it more of a singles atmosphere?




  1. No, Miami is not a good place to raise a family.  Unless your fleeing some third world county to live in the US, then I would not recommend raising a family in Miami.  For starters the graduation rate in Miami-Dade county is less then 50% in 2008.  That should be a good implication of the type of school system and the type of kids down here and how they are being raised.  Also, South Florida is very transient with people coming and going all the time.  With that, you  really never get that sense of a community like you do up in the North and New England. - Unless your Cuban, then you will Flourish in Miami.  There are a couple nice areas to live, but in general a lot places are rough and ghetto. The housing market in Miami is horrendous, and lots of people are just simply walking away from their homes. Given the choice, I would not relocate to miami to raise a family

  2. No, its a **ithole. Seriously, if your considering moving I dont suggest it.

  3. I was about to go into detail about my horror stories pertaining to Miami, but the above three posters have pretty much summed the place up. I moved to Miami in 1978 when I was a year old and left in 2005 because it is such a horrible place to raise kids. I live in upstate New York now and have never been less stressed and happier. DONT MOVE THERE!

  4. LOL

    I live in Miami, I grew up in Miami, I went to school in Miami, I now attend college in Miami. If you are trying to find a place where rainbows are frequent and unicorns take your kids to magical schools then forget it.

    Maybe Miami has a rep but honestly ITS ALL IN YOUR PARENTING. If you are a good parent, your kids will turn out fine. I am not a poster kid but i owe my success to good parents. Just be a good parent and if you can make it in Miami or any major city for that matter your children will make it anywhere too thanks to your Influence.  

  5. I was born and raised in Miami.

    I'm now attending the University of Miami and I'm doing fine.

    It's all up to the way a person is raised and your parenting, that and your taste in demographics.

    Most of the other answers seem to indicate that Miami isn't a good place to raise a family because of the mix of cultures, I personally think that's one of the better qualities of this city, diversity is great.

    I was raised and live in a city most people dream of visiting and living in, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

  6. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!  While there are a few good areas, most of it is c**p and the good areas are so expensive, and then you're surrounded by c**p and have to battle miserable traffic to get away from it to enjoy yourself. Driving to work from anywhere in Miami is a nightmare, half the drivers don't have insurance, or a license and don't speak English.  Education is rotten, crime is rising and it's true that people are leaving & losing homes like crazy.

    I grew up in Miami, sad to see it such a mess. I live in Broward, and that's not much better. I don't go to Miami for anything.  

    The singles scene is more on South Beach and that's super expensive, too.

    Where's your second choice?  

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