
Is microwaving vegetables bad for baby?

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Can microwaving vegetables in ziplock bags be harmful to y toddler? I currently switched to the microwaveable steemer bags. What are better alternatives with time saving in mind?




  1. NO it is not harmful.

  2. microwaved food has no nutrition at all..people are eating empty calories. Nuking food destroies nutrition on a cellular level and changes the entire meatabolic structure of your food. Thats why people are fat ..eating food with nothing in it and their bodies tell them to eat more because they need nutrients

  3. i dont think its harmful because Gerber baby food (jars) tells you to microwave their food. if your concerned about the bag, then put the veggies in a bowl or something like that.

  4. Nope, Its better than boiling them, Steaming, wether in the microwave or a steamer keeps more vitamins in.

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