
Is mike tyson the best boxer in his prime? is he nice guy? what's he doing lately? is he broke?

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i think he was really great and damm good boxer when he was in prime. and everyone thinks he is kinda mean and not nice guy.. i saw his documentary and he seems like he is destroyed by wrong people. and just he got mentally destroyed by some people. i think he's just frustrated by many people out there. i think he has huge hearts to step into the ring and fight. and i think people really donesn't see his nice side. what is he doing lately? anyone saw him>? is he really broke that he doesn't have any money left in him?




  1. People usually judge Tyson based on there feelings for him but its pretty simple to see that in his prime and even several years after he was a very feard boxer and yes the best of his time by far. I believe that Don King made Tyson crazy . He might be a nice person but has several diffrent personalitys and is crazy for sure. Last I heard he was trying to fight in some far off land to pay alot of debt off so to sum it up Best boxer for a while,proabally was nice before others help destroy him and broke as can be but might have a little money hidden somewere.

  2. Best Boxer? Not even close! he never beat a great fighter. he got Ko'd by Buster Douglas while he was in his prime, 24yrs old. He lost badly in to fights against "all time" competition! His only "big" win was against a 38yr old Larry Holmes & a blown up light heavyweight Spinks. His claim to greatness lies in crushing weak oponents in a down era in the HW division. And he only did it for 3 yrs, that doesn't compare with the greats!

    He his a convicted rapist & self admitted wife beater!!

    Sounds like a peach!

    What is he doing today, last I heard it was cocaine in Arizona about a year ago.

    Is he broke......Who knows or cares!

  3. no he is not a nice person and that is an extreme understatement of how he should be described. "nice people" don't rape women. He is not broke as he made lots of money during his career and right now who gives a flying f**k what he is doing

  4. In his prime Tyson was amazing. Look at his 1st rd masacre of Michael Spinks. But hes messed up and not a nice person. Nice people aren't rapist. Nice people aren't constanntly arrested. Nice people don't rip Holyfields ear off. Bt hes rich sadly from boxing

  5. know.yes

  6. He is not the best boxer but he was one of the best puncher when he was in his prime. He did hang out with the wrong people.

  7. Do you mean the best boxer of all-time or the best heavyweight?  Either way, it's no for both.  A nice guy?  LOL you're an idiot if you think that.  He's a dumb punk that raped a girl (maybe more than one) and he's in and out of jail because of his reckless lifestyle.  I don't think he's completely broke, but he pissed away the majority of his money.

  8. He was a powerful puncher but not necessarily a highly skilled boxer.  As to whether he was a nice guy, well, he got into legal trouble both before and after the time of his best ring performances.  He's a convicted rapist, and he tried to bite an opponent's ear off when frustrated in the ring.  I don't think I'd invite him over for dinner.

  9. He was definitely the best heavyweight of his era when he was in his prime in the late 80's but he became out of control and didn't learn to take responsibility for his actions. He has been sued and has sued many times so I don't know where he is financially as he is always in and out of some kind of trouble.

    Lately actually it was anounced that he is involved in the process of a movie about his life and Jamie Foxx has been asked to play the role of Tyson. I just heard about this today so it is interesting you asked this. I'm sure the movie will address all that you have asked and more.

  10. Go and read both books "Bad Intentions" and "Iron Mike". Both available on line with Amizon books.

    It's the saddest story in boxing. He had the ability to be one of the greats, if not the greatest, but once he left Rooney, Clayton and co and got in with that SCUM King and tart Givens he was minipulated something BAD!!

    He knew no better, seriously read these books you will love them!

  11. iron mike dosent box anymore hes 41 years old, that old for a boxer, but your right dude he has an amazing career, 50 wins 44 knockouts, and only lost 6 times pretty amazing. Ya he did  go into  bankruptcy in 2003. its sad im miss seeing the guy fight back in the 80s and 90s.

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