
Is miley ray cyrus is good in behavior with others?

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Actually,my name is also miley,in my family many of my cousins has gave me this report that miley ray cyrus is not good in behavior,is that so?please give me your answer because i m excited about that.




  1. So far she has managed to eviad being a problem child, but with the way she has been dressing and acting I would say we have the new Britney Spears on our hands. Her daddy says that Miley will stay grounded with her feet on the ground but I think Miley has her own ideas as to what she's going to do with her life. Personally if I had a little girl I would prohibite her from watching Miley Cyrus, or buying any of that Hannah Montana c**p. Look at the clothes that she wears, Dear God I couldn't fit them on a barbie doll let alone a human being. She needs to cover up, and leave something to the imagination.

  2. boohoo she took pictures in her undies, and she doesnt dress "appropriatly", im sure there are girls younger then her and not celebritys that are far worst.

  3. i think she's a t**t with a one hit wonder dad.. wont she just die already :K

  4. no she is. she is the one of the biggest stars on the planet right now. she doesn't do anything "bad" (no s*x, drugs, extreme partying) and she has her own tv show and she is a pop performer.

  5. she's a millionaire. Why not?

  6. i dont know,.. but i think yeS,..

  7. the girl abouve me ^ is rigght

  8. I havent heard anything bad really but she is kinda busy for a 15 yr old and homeschooled so I dont see how she has time for trouble.

  9. she'll be the next lindsay lohan.

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