
Is milk actually bad for you?

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its rumored that there is blood and puss in milk. If so, is cow milk actually bad for humans?




  1. Any commercial product has an allowable amount of impurity. For example, bottled water has an allowable number of fly/insect parts per liter in it. ALL foods have bacteria. Why do you think organic food spoil?  Vegtables and frutis all ahve insect p**p, parts, sand, manure etc in them. You wash it off supposedly but not all.  Anyway, the amount of blood/pus in carton of milk is comparable to a drop of blood in an olympic sized swimming pool. If that botheres you, then do teh obvious and don't drink milk. But to say it is bad for you is false. The billions who drink milk daily and remain healthy proves it wrong.

  2. it makes people fat...there are so many chemicals in it i dont see why anyone would want to drink it

  3. Yeah, there's a lot of extra stuff in milk like hormones and antibiotics, not to mention anything else that might have "fallen in". Plus, it can be fattening. And it's not exactly necessary to humans, because we don't need as much calcium as people think, really, but what we do need we can get from other sources.

  4. No, its actually really good for you. Other than strengthening bones, it's good for washing out something poiseness you ate or drank, or anything expired...etc

    And not alot of people drink milk straight out of the cow's boobie, that might be dangerous.

  5. Cow's milk is but soy, rice, coconut, etc are a-okay!!

  6. No, I stopped using milk for awhile because I saw a video about it. Theres multiple problems with it, "sometimes" its has antibiotics and hormones so buy milk without it. And theres something in milk that blocks calcium intake despite all the hype that milk has lots of calcium. But I started using it again anyway, because I only use it for cereal. And soy milk isn't a very good alternative anyway, because drinking soy milk for a long time increases chances of getting cancer, because soy mimics hormones in your body. So just stick with milk, and too much of anything is bad for you. If your really grossed out by milk I guess you can just drink rice milk.

  7. There are good things in it.   However, it is full of fat and hormones and bad things also.   If something has both good and bad in it should you drink it?   No.

    Switch to soy or rice milk.   Get organic.   It is very good and once you make the switch you won't even miss milk at all.   I also make almond milk and cashiew milk.   It is very good.   Just put 1/2 cup of nuts in a blender with one quart of water.   It turns into milk!

  8. I don't know about the blood and puss, but milk is not good for you.  Yes it is a good source of vitamins, etc, but it is FULL of fat.  The fat that is needed to bulk up a calf....  No wonder people are so fat.  'Milk does the body good' ad.... was promoted by the dairy industry.

    Also, it is like being a parasite if you look at the process of it all.   Get a cow preganant... don't let her milk dry up....  milk her for your own use....   Ewwwww.

  9. Milk in stores is pasteurized and is safe for human consumption. Cows that are unhealthy are taken out of the 'food chain'. Cows are milked by machine an the milk sent to processing plant where it is graded and tested for contamination. By law as of 2007 no hormones or antibiotics can be given to cattle . As adults we don't need to drink milk, but we do need the vitamin A and D and calcium it contains. The rumor you speak of has been around for a long time and there is no truth to it.

  10. Not clean, not pure, not healthy, not sacred anymore.


    This site will tell you everything.

    Cows' milk isn't for human consumption. It's for calf consumption.

  12. Yes. There is blood and puss. That's not the worst of it. Cows milk was meant for baby cows. We are the only species to drink the bodily fluids of another. Think about it. Would you grab a lactating deer and start sucking? It's gross.

    It's been definitively linked to juvenile diabetes, and it actually leaches  calcium from bones, not helps build them.

    We use rice milk in our house.

  13. NOOOPE

  14. While I have heard these things about milk. I have yet to find any reliable corresponding evidence to support those claims.

    The only sources that confirm those claims are COMPLETELY biased against any animal products that I feel quite burned

    The biggest issue that comes to mind with me is that the milk is intended for cows. I can say that if you can get over the fat content, there are vital nutrients in it. I would not feel bad for drinking it. There is evidence to support that milk can help lower your amount bone loss due to aging, and also some dairy products can aid weight loss.

    then again- I am a terrible person because I enjoy dairy. (me the rapist)

  15. There is no blood or pus in milk.

    Milk in the US is highly regulated and inspected, it is very safe.

    No milk for humans in the United States has any antibiotics in it.

    Humans have been drinking milk for over 10,000 years. In that time, how has the human race done? Pretty well

    MIlk is very good for you. Goats milk is the best.

    Don't listen to rumors. Look for the facts.

  16. yes if it comes from you rmom at 40

  17. A lot of stuff was already mentioned.  Studies have confirmed that in regions where dairy consumption is high (i.e. Western World), osteoporosis is more prevalent.   Here is an article addressing that:

    Personally, I use Hemp Milk.  It's more expensive, but I'm willing to pay for it (I'm 16).  I buy it in bulk here: .  The vanilla flavor is delicious!  Not to mention it's fortified with 47% DV calcium in one cup! And it's a complete protein, which is good to have when vegan :)

    So, that's my spiel.  Personally, if you want to be healthier, opt for almond or hemp milk.  Rice milk has little protein and a lot of sugar.  Overconsumption of soy is not entirely healthier either.  (just my personal opinion).

    And, of course, there are the ethical reasons for avoiding milk as well.

    Hope this helps! :)

  18. Milk these days, yes. Traditional milk, no.

    Cows have too many hormones in them now, which go into the milk, making it rather bad for you.

    However, milk from cows that have not been given tons of hormones, is good for you, and helps build strong bones.

  19. Their can be puss and blood in milk if the cow's udder is cut by the machines during the milking process. They can happen a lot.

    While milk contains calcium and vitamin B12, I wouldn't say that it's the best thing for you. It contains a lot of fat and hormones. You would be sick if you drank milk straight from the cow, that's why its is usually pausterised. Humans weren't really meant to drink cow's milk, cow's were.

    If you are really concerned about the c**p in milk, then you could try soy milk. Most cafes and restaurants have soy milk now (the soy milk I drink contains more calcium then the cow's milk i used to drink. And it is fortified with vitamin B12

  20. Milk is good for me, but I cannot say the same for the pansies of the world.

  21. I've heard there is puss in milk, not blood. If there was blood, and it was harmful, we'd all be deathly ill by now. If your milk isn't organic is can have bad things in it like hormones. Non-fat organic milk is the way to go. But no, milk is good for you, it has a lot of healthy vitamins.


  23. Yes. It is bad for human health, the majority of humans are lactose intolerant. Animal milk links to heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, allergies, constipation, anemia, diabetes, and osteoporosis, not to mention makes autism worse because of the casein. Cow’s milk. It’s hard for humans to digest, it causes acidity in the body which can actually weaken bones over time, and it’s certainly not as good a source of calcium as vegetables are. Also, the stuff that ends up on dairy shelves are contaminated with cow’s blood, pus, f***s, pesticides, and hormones. It is saturated with fat and cholesterol. Mammals don't lactate unless pregnant, or recently pregnant, you must forcefully impregnate cows (rape) which have a -roughly 50/50 chance of giving birth to males, male calves become veal. And the cow will stop making milk after the calf is born, so they inject the cows with steroids that keep the fetus from developing. The fetus will stay in there for as long as the farmers want, just so the cow will make milk. It's painful for the cow to be pregnant all the time.

    Some other facts:

    -Cows live for about 25 years and produce milk for about nine years. The stress of the factory farm leads to disease, lameness and reproductive problems and most cows die or are sent to the slaughterhouse in four years.

    -In the farm, the cows are hooked by their udders to electronic machines and cows are subject to constant electric shocks. This leads to mastitis.

    -They spend their entire lives standing on concrete floors and living conditions are abysmal.

    -Cows are genetically manipulated given antibiotics and hormones so that their milk yield increases.

    -To see that cows produce milk, they are impregnated. -Female calves are either slaughtered or added to the diary herd. The male calves are killed for veal, which is considered to be a meat delicacy.

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