
Is milk really good for you or no?

by Guest56000  |  earlier

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Is milk really good for you or no?




  1. i take milk for breakfast and another glass before hitting the fat burner in the world!

  2. pretty sure. have any questions? look on a milk jug

  3. No, milk gives you aids.... You should start smoking.

  4. Yes i believe milk is good for you in many ways one of them is that if drink appropiatly it may helpyou lose belly fat and it helps build bone strenghth  and build your muscles. It has also been said that milk from cows have some kind of cancer and hormone cells that can react to poison to our bodies so you might wanna do a little research and find out for yourself

  5. yes very

  6. Yes,in moderation. Skim milk is best! :)

  7. Here's a comprehensive unbiased reference site about the pros and cons of milk.

  8. Milk is very good for you, but only if you happen to be a baby cow.

  9. Actually its really bad for you. It contains no fiber or complex carbohydrates and is laden with saturated fat and cholesterol. it is also contaminated with cow's blood and pus and frequently contaminated with pesticides, hormones, and antibiotics. Dairy products are linked to allergies, constipation, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

    And cow's milk does not help your bones, the high protein content in the milk actually leeches calcium from your bones.

  10. helps your bones and gives you a good source of a calcium.

    it also causes acne. =\

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