
Is minimum wage going up this month?

by Guest67037  |  earlier

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I heard minimum wage is suppose to be going up this month [July 2008] is this true? or if not this month, when?




  1. I think the minimum wage should be 50K a year.

  2. Yes its going to increase to $6.55. But this really doesnt matter to most people because although minimum wage increases, so does the prices for everything else each year like food, clothing, etc. So the increase really doesnt matter, you still get the same for your money, thats why they increase it, to keep things balanced. And minimum wage all depends on where you live too because states have different minimum wages. In California the minimum wage is $8.00. Florida's minimum wage is $6.79

  3. I haven't heard- but there's always hope!  :)

  4. I hope not.

    It just raises the prices on everything else and makes people that really work earn less.

  5. hmm not sure

  6. I wouldn't get out of bed to work for minimum wage.I think it goes up to $8 this month. LOL. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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