
Is money really low when your in college?

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I'm going off to college in august and i pay my own car, cell phone, and car insurance. Are college kids really poor as everyone makes it seem? Is it possible to keep a full time job and also be a full time student?




  1. Anything is possible but here is how much time it will take to be a full time student!

    a full time student is at least 12 units a semester or 12 a quarter!

    12 UNITS MEANS 12 hours in class a week.  However in college they do not spoon feed u the info and actually tell u u need to study 3 hrs outside of class for each hour u spend in class!  That is minimum to! To get straight As it could very well be 5 hours per hour in class!  If u take 12 units a semester it will take you at least 5 years to get a BA degree!

    So here is what your week is like if u take 12 units!

    12 hrs in class 36 hours outside of class studying= 48 hrs+ 40 hrs a week being employed full time=88 hours a week divided by 7 days so that means you will basically b working 12 hours and 30 minutes 7 days a week for 5 years or more!

    It is  really hard to do this but some people do! some people also win the lottery!  seriously though if your serious about your studies don't work more than 20 hours a week! IF you have a hard major like bio or math I am pretty sure it would be near impossible to work like that and get  decent gpa and sleep more than 6 hours a night!

  2. anything is possible. I am a full time student, i make a car payment, cell phone and insurance. I also just work part time.  I think it depends on how you budget your money. I work at a shoe store and work on commission and I seem to do ok. If you work hard you can get by and maybe even have enough money for gas. I think that college kids are poor but in the long run it's worth it.

  3. depands upon needs .every 1 can create his own efforts to fulfill requirements just need to hardwork.

  4. well..ok are u poor?

  5. Some kids have rich parents who pay for everything and give them whatever they want. Some kids pay for everything themselves, go to school full time, and work a full time job.

    It is absolutely possible to work full time and be a full time student. It is going to take some hard work though and your social life will be pretty non-existent.

    I think it builds character and teaches the value of hard work and determination if you do it.

  6. college is a heck of a lot different than high school. Being a full time student should be your number 1 priority and job. If you don't have a large disposable income it will be pretty tight. Its not impossible to keep a full time job, but you'd be worn out quick and your grades would suffer greatly. Think of how much better you could possibly do if you spent 20+ hours a week studying instead of working those...

  7. It is not impossible to have a full-time job and be a full time student, but it makes it difficult. I had to do it and it gets frustrating after a while because you miss out on things (friends, study groups, ect.). Also, if you are spending money on college, you should make your studies your number one priority.

  8. Everyone needs a little cash, even me!

    I found this website it brings me a few bucks.

  9. No, not all are poor.  Those who opt to take out lots and lots of student loans to maintain a lifestyle similar to thier parents (you know, car, cell phone, insurance) aren't poor when they are in school, but are when they graduate.

    It is possible to keep a full time job and attend college full time, but very unlikely (esp for a freshman).  I worked 30+ hours a week every week all through my soph-senior years in college.  If i had it to do over again, I would have worked less hours and stuck with the more challenging major.  I would have a much higher salary now.  

    I knew I couldn't do the tougher major on my schedule.... but I knew I had to graduate AND eat... so it worked out.  Kind of a bummer working and/or going to school 7 days a week for 3 years though.

    good luck!!!

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