
Is monovison worth the trouble?

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I'm very near-sighted and the bi-focal contacts I have are set for reading, thus giving up crisp distance vision. I understand there is an adaption period needed for monovison but is the result worth the effort? Are close-up and distance vision crisp and clear without having an awkward feeling?




  1. If you have the bi-focal contacts, they are made to make distance vision and up close vision equally clear if you have the right prescription. That's why they are called Bi-focals...two different distances. If your distance vision isn't clear, you need a new Rx. I would talk to my doctor, even be refracted again (exam) to see what's up with that. Many people can adjust to the mono vision and you're right there is an adaption period. There are also a lot of people that it just doesn't work being one of them! You should just try it out and see what you think.

    Good Luck!

  2. I have seen alot of cases of this. Unfortunately the answer is maybe. Some people love their contacts and are immediately used to them. Others however never get used to switching which eye is dominant. You really can't tell unless you try them. So if you are really interested go to your eye doctor.

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