
Is morality an instinct or does it have to be taught?

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This is the topic for an debate and i have to take the side that says it has to be taught and isnt an instinct......can anybody tell me where i can find an argument for my side.....not that CS LEWIS thing.......a real nice one which i can use........




  1. look for books on morality and ethics, search philosophy books....

    i have a textbook called "contemporary moral problems" by James E. White, and he discusses the issue of what is moral...that might help you

    but ya im sure if you do enough searching you will come up with something. that is such a highly debated topic...look at the book "Lord of the Flies" with the abandoned can definitely do a debate just baed on that book!

  2. it has to be taught

  3. I think within everyone there is the natural urge to be fair and moral. The thing that can sometime change our view of morality is survival. We act differently when we have plenty, when we have nothing then we are forced to do things others would consider im-moral just to survive.

    I think within our hearts we all want to be good, and fair. God, if you believe in one, made us in his own image I dont think he is im-moral. I would believe he made us moral from birth, to be taught further morality and fairness by our parents/supervisors

  4. It is defined by the values of culture.  Arguments are non productive.  No one wins an argument. The primary religion of the culture is also largely influential that defines morality. To me, most of us are born with this core instinct that guides our behavior to be non harmful, and charitable with behavior that assists the survival of those less fortunate.  What is taught is gender behavior, including serious social gender expectations. Feeling of being superior to members of different ethnicity.  Insensitivity to the inhumane behavior of hate groups to those groups they want to dominate.  War results from the need to display power, acquire land, dominate the conquered, and destroy the previous culture. and greed.  I accept everyone as my equal. Money does not impress me, possessions do not impress me, level of education does not impress me, genealogical lineage does not impress me, success does not impress me.  What does impress me is sensitivity to the needs of those who could use help, finding a way to provide that assistance, non pettiness, open mindedness, the acceptance of differences, and the willingness to provide ways to nurture children from non functional families, and to just simply do no harm.

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