
Is more than 120 volts on a standard 120v circuit in your house, bad for your electronics, like computers?

by  |  earlier

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I first noticed this after my lights recently started dimming down when the AC kicks in, so i tested the voltage on the different plugs in my house and they are all either 124 or 126 volts, shouldn't they be no more than 120? and is this harmful to my computer and other electronics i have plugged in?




  1. After a similar problem here, we bought a line conditioner.  Mine is made by APC and all the computers and other fine electronics run through it.

  2. Normal voltage range, And add a hard start to the a/c to stop lights from dimming. Call your local power company and they will explain!

  3. Your tester may be defective giving you a wrong reading, If your getting 124-126 volts then the whole neighborhood is as well. Your AC should be on a circuit of it's own if it's pulling that hard on your wiring at start up time.

  4. Try using a surge suppressor.

  5. The voltage from commercial power companies is very tightly regulated, as is the frequency (60 CPS) . Rather than worry about the voltage being high, I would concern myself with calibrating my voltmeter.

    High voltage, as well as low voltage isn't good for any electrical or electronic device.

    If you are experiencing "brown-outs", it is usually a grid-wide problem. Try shutting down unnecessary electrical loads (lights and TV). If this problem is unique to your residence, call an electrician.

  6. 126 volts is getting a bit out of range. I would first check the incoming

    voltage at the panel and see if it is 120 volts. Shut the main breaker

    off if you have one, if not turn off all the breakers in the house

    before you check the voltage. If the voltage reads good then chances

    are that you have a loose neutral somewhere. If it reads the same as

    your outlets in the house I would call the electric supplier and tell them

    and get a line conditioner. Hope this helps.

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