
Is mothers day important in French culture?

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What do the normally do for their mothers? Are there any celebrations that take place?




  1. I'm french and , for mothers day I buy something for my mother  (perfum, ...)  but there is no more celebrations ...

  2. Mothers' day in France is celebrated on the last Sunday in May unless it coincides with the religious feast of Pentecost, in which case it is on the first Sunday in June. The celebration of motherhood goes back a very long way into antiquity, and  was celebrated well before the American festival was instigated.

    In France, children make cards, learn songs and recite specifically written poems. Often little objects are made in art and craft classes at primary school and proudly presented to mother on the day.

    Gifts range from flowers or chocolates to specially made cakes. There are some industrially printed cards, though these are less popular than in the UK or the US. Fathers or older siblings are coerced into helping one way or the other to make decorations or to buy more costly presents. It is an important day but on the whole it is far less commercial than in the UK. It is an occasion when the family gathers around  a mother and she is relieved from her usual chores, getting breakfast served on a tray in bed, and someone else cooks lunch and does the washing-up. Some people prefer to have lunch in a restaurant as a special treat for her and everything is arranged so as to be a complete surprise.

    If you type FETE DES MERES in web search, you will get an idea of the things that are done. Also have a look at the following:

  3. Mother's day is not observed in France or any other country that I know of... it's strictly an American invention.

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