
Is motocross one of the most physicly demanding sports?

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my friends all say it is and ive been racing for 8 years is that a true statment?




  1. yes it is ur heart beat stays over 300 beats per minute  the hole time so yea

  2. Definitely it is.

    I started racing when I was about 10 then stopped for a few years.

    I got back into it about 2 years ago[I'm 16] and my first race I was so extremely sore.

    My arms and shoulders were killing me.

  3. Yes it is just the cramps you get in your forearms can kill you for days.  Also dehydrated is huge well  racing.

  4. There was an article a while back in which the physical capabilities of pro football players was compared to that of pro motocrossers. The short of the long is that on a progressive cardio test (a test that gets faster and at a more inclined angle as time goes on) the best football players score was just over 7 minutes. The best motocrosser's score was over 16 minutes. The fact is, motocross truly does use every muscle simultaneously and for an extended period of time. There are no time-outs in motocross.

  5. Yes.

    When I say that to the il-informed, they say that's a kids sport and to try football, rugby, la cross, soccer, etc.

    I just laugh. During an MX race, your using every muscle in your body, every second of the race.

    Regular sports, you need massive strength for about 5 minutes. Then you take a break to get re-set.

  6. Yeah. cuz you are up on your arms& you moving around so much. trying to keep stable.

  7. If you've been racing for 8 years you should probably know, right? That worn-out feeling after a race... thats "physical demand".

    I think there are few other sports that can put such a long and enduring physical strain on your body.

  8. Yes it is really physically demanding. Your arms kill after riding or racing all day, so does your back (at least mine does) from sitting up all day and having to keep your posture through tight turns or crappy terrain. Its a very difficult sport to be a perfectionist at, and it does a lot of damage on your body.

    Finally, dehydration is HUGE. Not drinking enough liquid is horrible and being in 80+ degree weather under all that gear you get hot really easily and you need to make sure you either carry a back pact filled with water then insert the tub near your helmet so you an drink when ever you want or make sure you make frequent stops!!

    Good luck with your riding.

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